Chapter 6

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Lance's POV
The warmth of the room floats around me in a calming blanket of happiness. The surface beneath me is soft and squishy but it feels different to the bed in Blue.

Speaking of Blue, I don't feel her around me; I don't even hear her gentle whispers.
I start to get a little nervous at the lack of her in my mind, so I open my eyes and look around the room.

Nothing in here is familiar it is all white and purple, mind you it is absolutely beautiful but I just don't recognise anything.

And because I don't know anything in here I start to panic, my lungs contract and air stopped entering my body. My head frantically scans the room in an attempt to identify even the smallest of things.

When that does work I begin to shake ever so slightly. The panic is causing my mind to create ridiculous situations and some how the image of Shiro flashed into my vision.

He is in the dark corner of the room, his hand and eyes are glowing with a nightmarish purple and not only is the corner dark, but now the whole room is. There is nothing but Shiro stalking towards me and Caspian.

Caspian. Caspian!! Where is Caspian?!
I feel around beside me and he is not there. He's not there! I'm alone! No one is here, there is no one to help me; no escape and no one to stop Shiro!

I turn back to Shiro and his face is now centimetres away from mine. My body involuntarily jumps back in fear and I feel tears slide down down my colour drained face.

I want to scream but no sound comes out. Nothing, nothing! I'm a silent lamp waiting for the slaughter!


Keith's POV
The elderly woman, who's name is Daisy, took me around the village on a little tour to get to know the place.

The people are known as Catsy, so no wonder they look like cats. I took Caspian with me because he was trying to jump on Lance's stomach.

I hate leaving Beautiful Blue alone but I need to get to know this place and I wanted to let him rest in peace and quiet, without being stood on by his baby.

Caspian was waddling beside me when all of a sudden a young man came running over in frantic strides. "Screaming! The Galra is screaming!!"

I didn't understand what he meant until I realised that Lance is Galra and he could have woken up. I swoop Caspian off the ground and start sprinting back to the house.

Caspian is laughing in joy as run really fast, he has no idea that this is not a happy situation. The buildings around me blur and sounds fade from my ears as desperation fills me.

The small purple house comes into view and I start to hear the screams of my love from inside. I dash inside and am met with a strong smell of fear. No clue why I can smell fear but I guess I just can.

Lance's feminine frame is curl up on the ground beside the bed and the wall, he is screaming at the top of his lungs as he tries to further bury himself into the small corner.

With Caspian in arms I move over to him and kneel down. He noticed my presence but didn't recognise it was me. "P-p-please.....ssstop..."
I put our little baby on the ground and pull Lance into the protection of my arms.

"No!....S-Shiro....ple-please!!..." Shiro? Oh god! I knew that this would happen, I knew that he would have PTSD over what happened and I left him all alone. How could I?!

"It ok Lance, it ok, your safe~" I whisper gently in his cat like ear and starts to relax a little. "It's ok, I'm hear and so is Caspian~" This seems to get him to calm down.

He slowly turns his head to me and gasps in shock. His shaking hand touches the side of my face and the recently dried tears started to flow again.

"K-Keith... your re-real?..." my face contorted to one of confusion not understanding what he meant. " were g-gone...and it it was dark..sob...Shiro, he he h-he was..hic...he was-"

"Hushhh~ it's ok, your safe now~" I cut Lance off and cuddled him tighter in my arms. He buried his face into the crook of my neck as he continued to harshly cry.

Caspian, being the little angel he is, came over and wriggled in between us and started to paw at Lance's chest indicating what he wanted.

Beautiful Blue broke apart our hug and rubbed away the tears that had fallen in his battle of emotions.

He lifted up his shirt and cradled his fluffy child in his arms. I still get a little flustered at the idea of seeing my love breast feed a child, it's so sweet to see such a innocent moment.

Caspian, as soon as he was given the opportunity to, started to suckle on his mamas nipple; getting the feed that he had been long awaited.

Once Lance had relaxed and completely calmed down he looked up at me and then glanced around the room. "Hey M-mullet...where a-are we??" I smirk at his use of the word mullet, despite us being together he still wants to tease me about my hair.

"I took us away from Voltron and to a peaceful planet of the Catsy people." He still probably didn't understand why. "We left because I want you to get better and I want you have a family with you and Caspian, away from the war."

He looks down at Caspian with a hint of sadness. "Oh ok....
Wait WHAT?!! You, you want to raise a family with me?!" I laugh at his bewilderment and shuffle back closer to him.

"Yes~ I would love nothing more then to have a family with you~" he blushes hard and the fear from minutes ago seems like a distant memory. "We can adopt all the children you want."

Little Caspian pulled away from Lance and started to wiggle, he was done feeding and now he wanted to be out of his mamas arms. Lance puts him down and I make a move to close our small gap.

"There is one thing I would love to do more right now~" Lance's face goes even brighter then before. "That's if you want to..."

I make sure that I allow him to give consent before I actually do anything. He shifts awkwardly and gives an eager nod. "Yes~"

I immediately push my lips onto his and he falls back. I pick him up and we move to the bed. I have wanted to do this since the moment I laid eyes on him.

Hey wonderful people

I have been loving the comments that you all put out and I am so glad that you are liking my story.
I have a new story out if any of you want to have a look at it, I would much appreciate it.

Have a great day or night 😊

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