I Am Woman Hear Me Roar!!

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  Chapter 7 I Am A Woman Hear Me Roar!

   The week following that night at the club, I hide and tried to avoid everyone. I didn't answer my phone and started hanging out at the New York City Library during the afternoon when I knew the girls would be at home. My emotions were all over the place since that night.

  While I was awake, my mind went over every detail. One side telling me how wrong it all was. How sick I was to get off on everything. Shamelessly in fact, not caring who heard the noises I was making in that room. That part also told me how much my mom would be ashamed if she ever found out what I did.

  Then there was the other side that was all systems go and say fuck everybody. I'm my own free woman and can do whatever I damn well please. That side wasn't as loud as the other, but Joss and Mel helped bring her out and she wasn't going back in the dark quietly.

  By the second week, I stopped hiding from the girls and went back to the apartment at night. I gave them the excuse of working the entire week instead of the day and they dropped it. Things between us were almost back to normal.

  On day ten I decided to answer one of Mel's many text messages and calls over the days. Before I could even speak into the phone Mel started in.

  "'Bout time you answer the damn phone! Any longer and I was coming over there. You finally get out of that pretty little head of yours?"

  "Huh... What do you think?"

  "Not even close. Come to my house, we need to talk and I got alcohol."

  "Be there in ten." I pulled up outside her apartment in eight minutes, two to spare.

  Mel had her door opened, waiting for me to come in. As soon as I stepped over the threshold, she enveloped me in a hug. I soaked it up. It was the closest thing I had to one of my moms, though nothing was as good as hers.

  After a few minutes of us hugging it out in peace. We broke apart together. Mel just stared into my eyes for a moment then asked, "What's the biggest worry going through your mind?"

  "That I'm a sick twisted individual because I liked every goddamn thing they did to me." I can't believe I blurted that out when I hadn't even admitted it to myself.

  "Oh, Abbie. There is nothing sick or twisted about you. You're just a healthy female with needs. Answer this, if it was a guy bragging about getting with three different girls in one night, what would people say about him?"

  I didn't know where this was going, but played along. "Atta boy, Champ?"

  "You're damn right they would! This is the twenty-first century! Woman are allowed to do anything a man can do now. So don't let no old ideas hold you back."

  "I'll try, Mel. I promise you can kick my ass if I start back tracking from here on out."

  "Just remember you said that. Now, come sit down and tell me everything that happened. I've been waiting ten days for the details, girl! Spill!"

  We were both laughing as we got settled on the couch. Mel already had a bottle and glasses on the table for us. Shots waiting to go.

  Mel made a game before we started. I had to take a shot every time I orgasm in the story. By the time I finished, we both finished two fifths of Jack Daniels between us.

  I stayed the weekend with Mel while she brought me back to life. We laughed and cried, talked to the early hours of the morning. We told each other our darkest secrets and Mel helped me be okay with letting my freak flag fly.

I couldn't wait for August and the next night at the club. Not only was school starting back, but I also had a whole new outlook on life and the way I thought about it and I couldn't wait to show it to the world.


So I know it's short, but what do you guys think? Vote, comment telling me everything!

Edited by: CrystalTheMatron

© 2018 Copyright by Callie Sumner. All rights reserved.

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