Claiming The Prize *Mature Chapter*

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***~~~***Mature Chapter***~~~***

The next Saturday I didn't laze around for once. I was right there beside Mel making sure I looked perfect for tonight. I had to get up ridiculously early where I would be ready in time to meet Sir at noon, but it was so going to be worth it!

Mel didn't have to be at the club to meet her date till four, so I left in my cab while she still had the rollers in her hair.

Mel and I kept my hair and makeup the same only toning down the eye makeup to a classy smoky eye. I was still amazed the woman looking back at me in the mirror before I left the house was actually me, and not some model from a magazine.

My cab pulled in front of the club with a few minutes to spare. I paid the driver then made my way inside the building. The lobby was empty except for Duke. A vast difference from how I came in last week.

I went up to the desk and checked in for my scheduled time with Duke. After that was finished Duke asked me about Mel and when she would be coming. We talked for a moment, but Sir didn't leave me waiting long.

The Adonis that soon walked through the front of the club made my body stand up and take notice. My body knew this was the God we had been waiting for. D Masters was definitely ever woman's wet fantasy!

He was tall and ripped with more muscles then my eyes could see. He had dark hair cut short on the sides but overly long on the top curling over his forehead. He had a chiseled jaw and endless deep eyes. He had a five o'clock shadow that just added to his rugged charm.

He had on a white silk button down shirt with the top three buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Tailored black slacks made of a very expensive soft material and black loafers finished the look.

But it was the colorful ink covering his exposed skin that captivated all of my attention.

Every inch of skin underneath his shirt was covered in beautiful colors and designs. I tried to take as much as I could in, but it was to much and not enough time. He stopped in front of me and gave my dress a once over. I felt my chest heat under his gaze.

I felt my nipples harden after his gaze passed my chest. I felt the moisture pool between my thighs as he circled my core. My feet started to shuffle nervously when he finished his assessment and started to smile.

He reached down and grabbed my hand bringing it to his lips and kissing the back. He looked deep into my eyes the entire time. When he pulled back he didn't break the connection, but finally introduced himself.

"My Sugar, it's a dream to officially meet you. I'm Drake Masters, And you?"

His smirking face had me quickly smiling back. "Abbie Black."

Drake took the hand he still held and pulled me close. He whispered down into my ear where only we could hear. "I can't wait to see what you look like under that dress. Are you ready to see what your future holds Ms Black?"

His husky voice alone sent chills down my spine. The odd choice of words he said just then should have been another warning, but it was lost under some kind of spell this man cast over me every time he was around. I just shook my head ok then he was escorting me out of Sinful Delight.

There was a bright red sports car parked right outside of the club doors. I knew exactly what car that was and exactly how expensive the two seater car cost. I'd fantasied about one of these when I saw one in a movie once, but I didn't think I'd ever get to sit in one!

Drake opened the passenger door and helped me into the lowered car. It was a lot harder than I thought in my tight bodice dress. The car smelt like Drakes mainly scent with a black coat and tie between the seats. He made it to the drivers door in a few steps and quickly got in.

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