Uncle Joe To The Rescue

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    The rest of the week was uneventful. I went back to being the antisocial kid from high school. Not talking to anyone in my class. Praying for it all to be over.

  Joss and Tess talked me into staying with them over the summer break instead of going home. They made the point that I couldn't get loan paperwork off quick enough in nowhere Virginia as quick as I could if I just stayed.

  So on the last day for students to get their things from the dorms, both girls helped me pack my things and move them into a small storage for the time being.

  Tess, Joss, and I got along great. They helped keep me out of the black hole I wanted to crawl and lose myself in. They were happy to go through job listings every day for me, while I applied for every financial aid out there.

  I had three interviews lined up during the week for personal assistant jobs and secretary jobs at different companies in the city. I wouldn't have nearly enough to pay my entire year's worth of tuition by the beginning of fall semester, but every little bit helps. 

  The first interview was for a big law firm in the financial district of New York who was looking for a personal secretary. Mr. Bloom was an over 50's pot-belly man who couldn't look away from my cleavage.

  When he was escorting me to my chair, his hand drifted to the top of my ass in my tight pencil skirt. I almost said, "Fuck it." and left. The old man obviously had a problem keeping his hands to himself.

  I let it go and put a smile on my face ready to sell it for this job. Everything was going great. Mr. Bloom and my tits had a nice conversation about the mundane task the job would require. When he finished, he excused himself to the other room.

  When he came back into the room moments later, he was furious.

  "That will be all, Ms. Black. Don't ever come back to this building again! You will never work for this firm!"

  I had absolutely no idea what happened. Everything was going fine, then I was being escorted out of the building by security. You would think it was strange and a bit of an overreaction.

  But the same damn thing happened at the next two interviews. I had a different one that was coming during the week and I pinned all my hopes on the fourth time being the charm.

  This time, the job was for a personal assistant to a Mrs. Ellen George. With this being a woman, things had to go differently. The interview went fine, and all was great, but when she came back into the room, I knew this one was about to end the same way.

  I held my hand up to stop her. "This is my fourth interview in a week I'm being escorted out of. What have I done? Can you tell me that?"

  Mrs. George gave me a small sympathetic smile. "Mr. Devon Davis is a rich and powerful man here in New York City. He has politely let everyone know if they hire you, Ms. Abbie Black, said company will lose all current and future business with Davis Holdings and all its subsidiaries. I'm sorry, Ms. Black, there's nothing I can do."

  I felt like I was sucker punched in the gut. Trevor's dad had me blackballed from working in the city. What the fuck kind of job could I get now? I thanked Mrs. George for her time, then walked out of there with my head held high.

  I stopped by the liquor store on my way home. Jim, Jack, and Jose were the only company I was fit to keep. The three best men in the world because they don't talk back.

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