Accepting The Deal

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For the rest of the week my brain and stomach seemed to be in a war against each other. The more I accepted my decision the larger the ball of lead became in the pit of my stomach. Excitement clashed with nervousness at times bringing bile to the back of my throat.

  Bless Mel's heart each day she tried to make me feel better with breakfast and a note of encouragement each morning. To an impromptu dance party in the living room each night. Ending with both of us on the floor in hysterics. Just being the same person after everything helping me more than she could know.

  Every afternoon when I would get out of class there would be two missed calls from my Uncle Joe. He never left any messages to why he was calling and I just couldn't bother to add something else to my problems right now.

  When I finished my labs Thursday afternoon I checked my phone to see 2 new missed calls from Uncle Joe and a reminder I hadn't set. The words making my heart race and Pam's breakout in a sweat.

  •Reminder• 8Am•
My Answer My Sweet Angel, 212-555-4400

  And my last question was answered with Drakes reminder. How was I suppose to give him an answer? It dawned on me while I was talking to Mel I didn't have his number, but I guess I did all along.

  A new tenderness toward the man settled in my core. I was only beginning to understand how completely he thought of everything. He hadn't missed a thing so far. Trivial things to the biggest details.

  I had a smile and a skip in my step all the way to my apartment that had been absent all week. I went inside waving to Mel on my way back to my bedroom. Once inside I sat everything down then sat on the edge of my bed with my phone in hand.

  I sent up a silent prayer to whoever was listening to give me strength to make it through. One last silent please then I blew out a long breathe. Not wasting a second I dialed the number then placed the phone to my ear.

  The line rang twice then his voice came on.

  "Hello my sweet Angel. I've been anticipating your call."

  I bite my lip to stop from making a sound as shiver race down my spine at the deep timber of Drakes voice. I didn't want him to know how much I was affected by just the sound, so I tried a little sarcasm to cover it.

  "Oh? Maybe I should have waited till tomorrow then. Do you want me to hang-up and call back then?"

  Drake growled, shivers starting again. "I dare you Angel. Give me one reason to break my word of giving you the week alone to decide. I'll be on your steps in 20 minutes to remind you of the rules. I've already stopped myself from seeing you everyday this week. Don't push me, I'm already on the edge."

  I snorted. "If that's supposed to scare me it didn't. It makes me strangely happy that you've had as hard a week as I have."

  Drakes voice got low and dark, full of promise. "Oh Angel, trust me, anything to do with you makes me hard."

  I didn't know what to say to that. Instead I cleared my throat and tried to get back to the topic at hand. "Before I give you my answer I have a few questions."

  "Ask me anything, my Angel." Drakes voice was serious now.

  "You said this arrangement would last 6 months which would include my summer break. If I wanted to go back home for a little while and see my mom would that be ok?"

  "Of course Angel. I would never stop you from seeing your family."

  "What am I going to be doing every weekend?"

  "Living Angel. For the first time in both of our lives we are going to be living our lives. Feeling things we never felt before. Trusting each other like no one before."

  His words rocked me. "I was actually meaning sex wise. Will it be like playing at the club or different altogether?"

  Drake gave a dark laugh before answering. "I know. You will just have to trust me and wait to see."

  A sudden flair of irritation swept through me at the man. I wanted a straight answer damnit! I blame that feeling for blurting out my next question.

  "Since I won't be going to the club anymore does the same apply to you?"

  Drakes voice perked up making my irritation grow. "I'm so happy you brought this up. It's better now we get this out of the way. Ok Angel?"

  His Dom voice had me answering instantly. "Yes Sir."

  "While you are mine no other person is allowed to touch you, hold you, and certainly not taste you! I don't even want anyone flirting with you, but I know you can't stop that. I expect you to ignore them all the same. You are mine, every inch of you. Do you understand Abbie?"

  I chose not to answer him marking another first. Instead I asked my question again but more direct. "And does the same apply to you Sir?" The irritation humming under my skin slowly turning into a hot anger.

  Drakes voice held dark promises and threats again. I could hear the predatory smile on his lips as he spoke.

  "Angel know this. You are mine just as much as I am yours. No one has ever captivated me mind, body, and soul like you have. I can't wait to see where this thing between us goes. To show you everything your future holds."

  The anger boiling in my veins quickly turns to desire. Honey covering my panties at his words. No way could I let him know I felt the same. Drake Masters had already imprinted deep into my soul. My body following right along it just took my brain longer to see.

  "Ok." I whispered softly.

  "Ok?" Drake asked in disbelief.

  I tried to clear the lump in my throat where my words would come out solid and clear.

  "I accept your deal Drake Masters. For the next 6 months I, Abbie Black, am yours to have as you please."

  Fear of the unknown and the weight of the words I just spoke made me turn slightly green. My heart was trying to beat out of my chest. A fine coat of sweat started to line my forehead.

  What did I just do?

  Drake made a sound between a purr and a growl through the phone. His words spoken in a purr for sure.

  "You have no idea how happy you've made me Abbie. I know our arrangement doesn't start till next weekend, but can I see you tomorrow to celebrate? Truth be told I haven't wanted to be away from your side since Sunday Angel."

  I felt like I was punched in the chest by some crazy emotion I couldn't name. I quickly filed it away to examine another time. Instead I let myself go and completely give myself to whatever my Master wanted.

  I licked my lips and tried to sound as sexy and confident as him when I gave him my answer. "Whatever Sir Wants."

  Drakes laughter rang down the line. Honestly the sexiest sound in the world. "Oh Abbie, this is going to be so much fun! Till tomorrow."

  I dropped my phone and flopped back on my bed. I was in way over my head in this situation. Truly fucked already deep down. Did I care though?

  In the back of my mind where my deepest darkest wishes were buried never to come true I didn't care. I wanted Drake Masters just as much as he wanted me, and now I got him.

But the hardest thought of all was what was I going to do when I had to let him go?


Ahhhhhh....I can't believe it! This is the last chapter. Next is the epilogue! I want to thank everyone for supporting Sinful Delight! I didn't know if this story would even get one read. Now it's over 500!!!! I'm just blown away by the love everyone's shown me! Thank y'all so much!

© 2018 Copyright by Callie Sumner. All rights reserved.

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