Soon || GusLey Short

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A/N: it's been a few months I think since I  have last updated on this book, for that I am sorry. I just haven't been getting ideas

Ideas that you would like anyway, so to make up for a little at least, I wrote this short one shot, Hope you enjoy!


[ Gusion's P.O.V ]

I stirred in the bed I was sleeping on, rubbing my eyes as I tried to recall the events of the previous night

The sun's rays were barely peeking through the curtains and birds were singing their songs special to sunrise, the room was cold though i feel warm under the sheets

My expression turned to shock as I gazed at a pinkette, next to me, my hand as I now notice, was wrapped around her as she lay her head against my bare chest

Right.. that happened

A small smile made its way to my lips, my day obviously made just by her being the first thing i see this morning

I pulled her, my Lesley, closer as I ran my other hand through her soft hair

Soon, i thought. Soon, this dream i am in would be my everyday

A fluttering feeling in my chest manifested, my heart beating at the thought. These feelings only she can give me are inexplainable, I will never be afraid to admit it though

I am completely in love with the Lesley Rosa Vance

The gods must have heard my prayers, for  it was a miracle that she actually did fall in love with me too.

Lesley, you can say, was a rival of mine. A rival through our families, making us compete against one another, though we never actually had a grudge, rather, we just competed on who was stronger

I found that completely unfair, not only because I was already crushing on her that time, also because I was obviously going to overpower her

Okay, just kidding on that last one.

It's more of a 50/50 scenario, 'cuz Lesley is smart, she has a strategy, she has tactics, like tricks up her sleeve

Me and her, despite our families beliefs, grew to be 'good friends'- as I heard her once quote.

I chuckled, look at us now. Under the sheets, wrapped in each other's arms after our first together in 2 years of our relationship. Bet she's not regretting having let me through that shell of her's

I sighed in contempt, oh how time can change a lot..

I kissed her forehead, that seemed to be enough to wake the sniper up

The smile was still plastered on my face, it never really left since I woke up though

Lesley yawned, placing her head closer to my chest.

"Morning—" I greeted her, burying my head in the crook of her neck, inhaling in her scent,"—how's sleep?"

She kissed my cheek, "Great, the best I've ever slept in a few months even"

I hummed in response, "Me too"

We stayed in each other's embrace for quite a while, though none of us cared how long we did, just as long as it was with the other, we're good.

I distanced myself from her and pecked her lips, "What would you say to having waking up like this for.." I trailed off, a smirk climbing up my face ".. I don't know.. about 80 or more so years?"

She did a cute laugh, before kissing me passionately-"with you, of course I would"

I blushed, flashing a wider smile.

Soon, Lesley. You won't be a Vance, you will be a Paxley

A/N: YAY! I wrote a chapter! I actually also have yet ANOTHER concept to work on that I have never seen anyone do with any ML ship in writing, though I might be wrong.. actually yeah I'm most probably wrong

But yay! I have been motivated! That's all! See you soon!


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