Chapter 9

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I was standing in my room talking to Ashley. I turned to her. "Ashley?" She looked up from one of my sevral magazines. "You wanna go to the mall? I need to find something for the premeire." she smiled.

"Yeah of course. I need to two anyways. You wanna get our nails done too?" I nodded of course I did. A foot and hand message is so relaxing just what I need after the week I have had. I had Andrea on my tail about Ross, I had now reporters and paparazzi following me more than when Ross and I were just friends, Ashley has been getting the same treatment. Just days after Ross and I got together Rocky and her have been seeing each other. 

"We are gonna have to be careful you know." She sighed tossing the magaizine into the pile next to my bed.

"Don't let me me forget." I sat on the bed, she sat up. "you know this is harder then it should really be?" I nodded. 

"Have you see what is trending on twitter?" she shook her head I pulled out my cellphone and went to twitter. I showed her.

"Krossmustdie? Krossisdead? Kaylagetlost? What the hell?" she shreiked. "Who says this kind of thing?" I crossed my arms over my chest. 

"That is what I would like to know. All these Raia and Raura shippers are die hard shippers I guess." she shook her head. " I love Laura and Maia is nice, but seriously. Laura wants me to be with him the day I met her she was making fun of him for his cheesy flirting," I giggled. "but all this slander and cheep shots that these people are doing are driving me insane!" Ashley was looking at her phone.

"Dude some of these slanders are not even any good. Kayla looks like an alien #Krossmustdie #Kross is dead #Kaylagetlost #RaiaForever." I looked at it. "If they are going to make cheap shots they should be something good. Oh look here is a good one. "I met the one and only #Kross! They are so perfect for each other! #Krossforever #cute #love @rossR5 @KaylaJLynchR5" I smiled. 

"Hey look there is a picture linked." Ashley clicked it. "Awe, that is the girl who was at the movies the day Ross and I went, she was all excited to meet him she was like eleven years old and the sweetest little thing ever!" 

"Well if you click the hashtags for Krossforever, there is some really sweet ones." Ashley smiled. I grabbed my phone and tweeted something.

"Here listen to this." Ashley looked up. "To all who have said some unkind things about my relationship I wanna say thank you for you comments but that won't change the feelings I have, To the people who are being supportive Ross and I both appreiate the love! I love you all. #KrosForever #Kross #nohate #bullyfreeplease" Ashley laughed.

"Bullyfreeplease?" she continued to laugh. "Only you." I nodded cause it was true. "Do you have any clothes I can barrow?" I pointed to my dresser.

"Find what you want." She had pulled out one of my several yoga pants and one of my 5 Seconds of Summer t-shirts.

"You like them?" Like was and understatement.

"Like? No. More like obsessed. Along with R5 of course, The Vamps, One direction, Lucy Hale, and so much more." She laughed.

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