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"Okay, so, you take this medication in the morning after you eat breakfast. If you take it on an empty stomach, you'll get dehydrated and nauseous and that isn't good. You take these two mid day, you should eat a small snack with it just to settle your stomach. And the night ones has no side effects so you don't have to eat." The nurse told me, handing me the paper bag of medication for my mental status.

I nodded slowly. My bags were packed. I was ready to go. I got sweet little letters from my "peers" congratulating me on completing my course of treatment. Of course, they didn't know I was being early discharged to go join a band. I grabbed my suitcases and walked to the elevator, passing the security guard who did nothing but sit there and eat Doritos. He gave me a slight nod as I boarded the elevator and the doors shut. For the first time in what seems like forever, I smiled.

Outside, Nick was waiting for me in a big black truck. He was clad in his usual long black coat, eye patch and leather gloves. Before I walked to the car, I placed the bag of pills in the garbage. No way I'm being sedated anymore. I placed my suitcases in the backseat and got in the front.

"Ready for this?" He asked.

"Take me to my home."

"No. You'll be staying at the compound for the time being." Nick started the car.

I rolled my eyes. "I figured that."

"So why ask?"

"If I really wanted to leave this car, I would." I looked at him. "And you know that."

He drove off from the hospital curb and we made our way through the streets of New York. People were moving through the roads happily, enjoying the sun. I wanted a nap in before I meet anyone new. So I put my feet up on the dashboard and leaned against the door and fell asleep. And I stayed that way for thirty minutes before I heard Nick opening and closing his door.

I opened my eyes slowly and sat up. Through the windshield, I saw Nick talking to Black Widow, Captain America and some guy with long black hair. I got out of the vehicle.

"This is Genevieve Creme. Also know as Lady Agony." Nick introduced me.

"Why is that?" Captain asked.

"Let's hope you never find out." I told him. I turned to Nick. "When this whole mission is over, I'm free to leave right?"

He cleared his throat and nodded slowly. "Genevieve's abilities include mind control and advanced telekinesis."

"Mind control? Oh please." I waved my hand.

"She can have you believe your insides are on fire or being stabbed repeatedly until your body shuts down from the fake attack." Nick ignored me.

"Okay, Nicole." I growled at him.

"How advanced is the telekinesis?" Steve asked, intrigued.

"Could move myself around in the air, could fly a plane with my mind, could lift this whole building if I wanted to." I shrugged.

"But sometime in the past, she lost her ability to do any type of movement with her mind. She started having sezuires-" Nick started but I gave him a look.

They all shared a look.

"Okay, this bad girl persona is nothing to take serious. She's just a mother fucker that likes to scare people during first impressions and once you get to know her, she all smiles and kisses."

Steve and the long haired man looked at each other.

"Smiles and kisses." Long hair rolled his eyes.

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