First Day Misadventures

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My (f/c) eyes reflected off the window of the light rail train. I could see two boys, who seemed about my age, horsing around through the reflection. 'I fucking hate public transit.' I sighed as I popped my earbuds in. The train stopped as it picked somebody up. I glanced up to see a rather handsome, blue-eyed male. His black locks were tucked under an all-white, torn hat with two gold adornments; the letter 'J' and a heart. His long, white jacket fluttered in the wind that entered from the door. His outfit seemed 'unique' for my tastes, but he made it look good. His expression gave off an intimidating aura as he furrowed his brows.

He looked over at me and seen the empty seat next to me. ' Fuck. ' I looked away as I heard his footsteps approach me. I scrolled down the song list on my phone and felt a slight brush against my arm. I glanced over to see the man sitting next to me, adjusting himself in his seat and pulling out what seems to be a photograph and some papers. I spotted a name on the papers. 'Jotaro Kujo.. that's his name?' I quickly averted my gaze back to my phone as I noticed that his eyes were wandering to me. 'Shit. Was I caught?' I look in the window across from me and see his reflection. 'Oh good, he's writing.' I finally found the perfect song and hit play. I smiled to myself as the melodies danced in my ears.

"And he was alright, the band was all together
Yes he was alright, the song went on forever
And he was awful nice
Really quite out of sight
And he sang all night long"

~David Bowie, Lady Stardust

The train soon reached the stop near my school, Budo-ga Oka Middle and High School. It was the first day of my last year at this school since I'm a 3rd-year student. As soon as I stood up, the man next to me stood as well. 'He must be a new teacher at school?' I exited the train and walked towards the school while listening to my music. While walking, I tied my (h/c), lustrous locks in a ponytail so they would stop blowing in the wind. Walking past the fountain, I saw a group of delinquents bullying somebody. I glance to get a better look and my eyes meet with baby blue orbs. His eyebrows were perfectly shaped and his plump lips seemed to glisten in the sun. 'Holy shit...he's hot.' His hairstyle, I thought, was unique since not many people rock pompadours anymore.

His gaze shifted to the delinquents who were kicking his stuff around and making rude remarks. One of the guys noticed my presence and a perverted grin crossed his face. 'Oh fuck... it's that creep.' I quickened my pace and met up with my friend. She was sitting under a tree, combing her long, raven hair and smiling at pictures. Her violet eyes glanced at me and a small smile crossed her face. 'Yukako Yamagishi... my sister's childhood friend.' I wasn't very close with Yukako since her obsessive behavior kinda creeps me out. She seems to be rude to everyone except her crush, my sister, and me. Maybe it's because I knew her before she started liking the guy? Who knows.

"It's nice to see you, Yukako," a small smile crept onto my face as I popped out my earbuds.

"Hey (F/n). Who's the guy behind you?"

I looked over my shoulder and my eyes met with familiar orbs. '...The fuck?' I felt hot breath on my neck as a hand traveled up my waist.

"You shouldn't have walked away from me, (F/n) (L/n). Especially when I was checking out that hot body of yo-"

"I will give you 5 seconds to fuck off."

"Don't be that way~," he cooed, "I can make you feel real good. I can fuck you real ha-"

Before he got a chance to finish, I grabbed his hand and flung him onto the ground like he weighed nothing. He landed face down onto the ground and scowled. I slammed my right foot down onto his back and kneeled down to grab his left arm. I pulled it behind his back and twisted it. I heard his bones crack as he yowled from the pain.



I stopped twisting his arm and let him go. He stood up as anger seethed with every breath he took. I glared daggers at him as he approached me.

"If you even think about trying anything else, I'll make sure that you'll never be able to have children," I furrowed my brows at him.

Taking a hint, he cursed at me and headed back to his group. I looked around and seen that I attracted a crowd of bystanders. They cheered and I rolled my eyes. 'How irritating.' I sat by Yukako, who didn't seem to notice the fight at all. Her cheeks flushed as she held the photograph close to her chest. 'Does she really like that guy that much? Good grief.'

I sighed and took out my (f/c), sticker-covered notebook. I glanced over towards the fountain and saw the man sitting on the bus with me earlier talking to the boy who was being bullied, along with the guy that Yukako was obsessing over. A group of girls walked by and blushed, fangirling over the boy who was bullied. 'Tch. Those kind of bitches are irritating.' I felt a pair of eyes watching me and I averted my gaze to the boy. His baby blue eyes met with my (e/c) ones. He seemed a bit.. surprised? 'Why the fuck is he staring?' I scowled and rolled my eyes before looking away. I glanced at him again and he was still staring. '...The hell?' I looked back at my notebook and doodled a bit on the first page. 'I can already feel that this is going to be a long day.'


Exhausted, I left my last class and yawned. 'Math is so boring.' I walked down the stairs and ran my fingers through my (h/c) locks. As I was walking down the stairs, I noticed two voices trail behind me. I glanced over my shoulder and seen the boy by the fountain from earlier, along with the boy that Yukako loves dearly. Somehow, my eyes locked with those baby blue eyes again. 'Why does this keep happening? This is so awkward.' I looked away and continued my walk to the light rail station. I sat on the benches and waited on the train. An uneasy sensation crept on my neck and a sinister breeze kicked up. I turned around, thinking that somebody was watching me. Nobody was there. 'Hmm... that's odd.' The train finally arrived after 5 minutes. I boarded it and sat next to the only open seat that was near a mother trying to comfort her crying child. 'I really do hatepublic transit,' I thought while popping my earbuds in and doing homework.


My eyes landed on a familiar figure that was sitting on the light rail bench. Her smooth, (s/c) skin illuminated in the sunset, as well as her (e/c) orbs. 'Oh! It's that girl from earlier,' I thought while gazing at her. 'She seems... very different. I wonder why?' I felt a hand tug at my jacket and I looked down at Koichi.

"Did you even hear a word I was saying, Josuke?"

"Huh? Oh uh... no. Sorry," I grinned awkwardly at my friend.

"What were you loo-"

"N-nothing! Now, what were you saying?"

"Oh, well I was talking about the new manga that came out by the famous mangaka, Rohan Kishibe," Koichi grinned.

"What was it about?"

"So there's this detective..."

I tuned Koichi out again as my eyes wandered back to the light rail station. The bench was empty. 'The train must have picked her up when I wasn't looking.' I walked with Koichi and listened to him ramble about the new manga. 'I really wonder... who is that girl?'

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