*:..。o○ Prologue ○o。..:*

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Jungkook set his eyes on the goal, the stick in his hand comfortable in his tight grip

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Jungkook set his eyes on the goal, the stick in his hand comfortable in his tight grip. He had full control over the puck. He aimed, then he swung back his stick and slammed the puck into the goal. He smiled at his success. He had been practicing on the rink all day, he was determined to get better before the championships. As the newest member of the team he needed to prove himself to the others and show that he could play.

Big Bang was playing loudly on the speakers and Jungkook was hyped.
"B.I.G yeah we bang like this modu da gachi chong majeun geotcheoreom" Jungkook sang along loudly, excited for his favourite bit.
"Bang Bang Bang!" He shouted at the top of his lungs but then the music cut off. Jungkook looked around confused and saw a boy, who looked a similar age to him standing with his arms folded at the edge of the ice rink.

Jungkook looked at the boy, he had big, soft, doe eyes, plump lips and tanned skin. Jungkook almost skated into a wall by accident, he was so transfixed on the ethereal looking boy. The only thing that ruined the effect was the boy's cold hard stare that was currently pointed at Jungkook. Jungkook skated up to the side next to the boy.
"Can I help you?" He asked rudely.
The boy glared at him "it's my turn on the ice, so leave"
"No, I booked it for the entire day"
"Well I booked it from 6pm onwards"
"It's only 5"
"Well they need to heat up the ice if I'm going to skate on it"

Jungkook rolled his eyes "you must be a figure skater"
"Correction" He said arrogantly "a real skater"
"Hey! I'm a real skater"
"I would like to see you try to do half the things I can do"
"And I would like to see you try to do what I can do"
"And what do you do?"
"Ice Hockey"

The boy laughed humourlessly "you call that skating? Isn't this just going around pushing people into walls?"
Jungkook rolled his eyes "go back to where you came from"
"I wish I could however the other ice rink is out of order"
"Just fucking fantastic"
"My sentiments exactly but we're just going to have to deal with it and learn to share. You've had your share it's my turn now"
"Hell no, I've got championships next week"
"And so do I"
"You just prance about the ice what can be so hard about that?"

The boy glared at Jungkook and Jungkook smirked "I see, you obviously don't have an appreciation for art" the boy muttered grumpily.
"Big Bang is art, whatever you do is utter crap"
"Big Bang is an insult to your ears do you never listen to like Beethoven or Bach or Tchaikovsky?"
"Those are so boring"
"No, those are what you call real music"
"Your opinions are twisted dude"
"Just get off the ice"
"I don't want to"
"Well, I'm going to be softening the ice now so have fun falling" the boy said and walked away.


Jungkook went back to what he was doing but eventually the inevitable happened, he wasn't going as fast as he used to and he was struggling to get used to the new feeling of the ice. Fuck you he thought as he slowly made his way off the ice. He saw the boy come in and step onto the ice.
"Hey!" He called over gaining the boys attention.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"What's yours?" The boy replied.
"Jeon Jungkook"
"Well Jeon Jungkook do you not know who I am?"
Jungkook shook his head which earned a smirk from the boy "well, let's keep it that way"

Welcome to this new book of mine. I hope you've enjoyed this little teaser of what's to come. I should be updating this book every week so that'll be every Sunday. Thank you for reading 😊

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