*:..。o○ 14 ○o。..:*

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After Jungkook left Taehyung's house that night he wasn't able to see Taehyung for weeks

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After Jungkook left Taehyung's house that night he wasn't able to see Taehyung for weeks. Serious preparations had begun for Nationals and Taehyung was required to be training around the clock meaning he never had time to go see Jungkook just the occasional text here and there that he would send to the younger.

Jungkook missed Taehyung and it showed in his playing. In practice he would often space out and fall over due to his lack of concentration on the sport. Since he'd met Taehyung, ice hockey just wasn't enough for him, he never felt fully satisfied as he used to when he would score a particularly good goal.

He had been scolded by Namjoon about 10 times this practice alone and Jungkook could tell that he was getting on the elder's last nerve but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't focus. His brain would always drift off to other places.


Jungkook got lost in thought again and he accidentally skated into Hoseok who had been zooming up the centre of the rink with the puck towards the goal.

"Jungkook!" Namjoon yelled angrily, which made the younger flinch as Namjoon had never gotten angry at any of them before, frustrated yes but never angry "Come here!"
Jungkook skated over to the side and walked off to stand next to Namjoon.
"Go take your skates off and meet me outside" Namjoon instructed coldly and it made Jungkook shiver but he did as he was told.

He put his normal shoes back on and walked shamefully out of the rink and into the corridor where he waited on Namjoon who was checking to make sure Hoseok was okay.


Eventually, he came out his face already red with anger.

"What is the meaning of this Jungkook? Hmm? You could have seriously hurt Hoseok there! If you don't care about winning and playing anymore then that's fine! But don't put other people in danger!" Namjoon shouted at him.
"I'm sorry hyung. I'll apologise to Hoseok later I didn't mean to cause any harm I just wasn't focused, I do still care" Jungkook whimpered feeling powerless under Namjoon's gaze as he tried to hold the tears back.

"Well you better start acting like it. And be more careful, please I don't want you or anyone else getting hurt" Namjoon sighed his voice softening as he looked at the younger's face "now come on tell me what's wrong"

They went to the break room nearby and sat down at one of the tables. Namjoon looked at Jungkook expectantly waiting on him speaking. Jungkook eventually, after downing half a bottle of water began "I'm just lonely, hyung. Taehyung has been so busy lately and he's not had any time for me. I really miss him and I just want to know if he's doing okay. He barely even answers texts anymore and when he does its hours later"
"Jungkook, he's got a big competition coming up. You need to understand he can't drop everything just for you"
"I know that and I don't want him to. I just want to see him at least" Jungkook sighed.

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