*:..。o○ 37 ○o。..:*

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The Hospital

The next morning, Jungkook woke up by himself

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The next morning, Jungkook woke up by himself. He turned over and then shot up in the bed. Taehyung wasn't there. He checked the time on his phone but it was only 7am, Taehyung was never up this early. That's when he smelt it, burning. He quickly got up and ran out of the room and into the kitchen to see Taehyung cowering at one side of the kitchen and at the other side a pan which was up in flames.

Jungkook ran over to the pan, grabbing a tea towel on the way and started fanning the flames and eventually the fire went out.
"Taehyung, what were you doing?!" Jungkook exclaimed, sounding a lot angrier than he meant to.
Taehyung frowned and looked at the floor "I wanted to cook breakfast for you because you've been letting me stay here"
Jungkook sighed and walked over to him, putting his hands on his shoulders "I appreciate the sentiment but please never try to cook again"
"I'm sorry" Taehyung pouted, wrapping his arms around Jungkook's waist.
"It's okay, baby" Jungkook stroked his hair "What are you up to today?"

"Well, I'm going to go back to the hospital and see Taemin and my dad. See how Eunji's doing. Do you want to come?"
"Do you want me to come?"
Taehyung thought for a moment before nodding.
"Well I'll come then. We better get ready, visiting hours start at 8. We can pick up breakfast on the way"


Both got quickly dressed and called Bernard to take them to Starbucks and then to the hospital. The doctor that Taehyung had talked to the day before noticed him as he walked over to reception where she was talking to the receptionist.
"Hello there!" She smiled at him.
"Hey" Taehyung greeted.
"I'm guessing you're here to see the baby, let me take you to him" she said excitedly.

Taehyung and Jungkook followed her through a few corridors.
"He has been taken to a ward for monitoring now. They checked him over and he seems okay. Your father has been to see him but he wasn't there for that long so I'm glad you're here to see him"
They reached the ward which was filled with baby's, they were taken to a crib in the corner where little baby Taemin was there asleep.

The doctor put a hand on Taehyung's shoulder "you're an amazing big brother, coming to see him. You must be so tired after being here so late last night" she said.
Taehyung smiled awkwardly at her.
Jungkook glared at her, he was almost 100% sure she was trying to flirt with him. He cleared his throat loudly, seemingly reminding the doctor that he was there.

"Oh, and you too of course. You must be Mr Kim's other son. I'm Dr. Yang" she told him and then glanced over at Taehyung "but you can call me Jisoo (not the one out of Blackpink, even though I love her), I think it's so nice that you two came here to visit your little brother"
Jungkook raised an eyebrow at her and was about to say that he was actually Taehyung's boyfriend and not his brother but she quickly excused herself and walked away.

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