*:..。o○ 18 ○o。..:*

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Jungkook woke up to a strange weight on his abdomen

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Jungkook woke up to a strange weight on his abdomen. He opened his eyes, squinting at the light that was currently flooding his bedroom from the open windows.

He looked down and saw Taehyung's legs and arms wrapped tightly around him. The older's head was laying, comfortably, just under his chin and he wore a small pout on his face. Jungkook couldn't help but coo at how cute he looked. He slowly brought a hand up and stroked the back of the boy's head, lovingly.

Taehyung hummed as he stirred awake.
"Oh sorry, baby, I didn't mean to wake you up" Jungkook apologised.
"It's okay" Taehyung mumbled, sleepily. If there was one thing that Jungkook had found out about Taehyung was that he was not a morning person. Anytime he'd spent the night with him, the next day Taehyung would sleep for hours after he had woken up, doing anything and everything to stay in bed for as long as possible.


They lay happily, snuggled up together for a while before Jungkook's alarm went off.
"Right, Tae, I need to get up now" Jungkook told him.
"Can't you stay just a little longer?" Taehyung whined.
"No, I need to be at the arena early, it's the big game today"

Taehyung groaned as he lazily rolled off of Jungkook. Jungkook smiled at him. He sat up and stretched, the bones in his back letting out a sickening crack. He did the same with his neck and sat on the edge of the bed trying to work up the energy to actually properly leave the warmth of his bed to get up.

He heard movement from behind and then felt a warmth spread over his back.
"Kookie?" Taehyung whispered cutely "don't you want to stay in bed just for another 5 minutes? Surely, that wouldn't do much harm"
Jungkook internally groaned. Taehyung was being the little devil on his shoulder telling him to go back to bed when he really had to get up.

He turned round and Taehyung looked innocently up at him. He leant forward and pressed a small kiss on his lips before dragging himself properly out of bed.
"Any other time I would be back there before you could click your fingers but today's too important" Jungkook explained.
"Fine" Taehyung grumbled making Jungkook chuckle as he left to go take a shower.


By the time he got back into his bedroom, Taehyung was up and pacing around the room, on the phone to someone.
"I don't see why you would care" He growled and Jungkook could tell by his tone that he was pissed at whoever was on the other end.
"I do what I like" Taehyung continued "you can't just-" He was cut off by the other person.

Jungkook watched silently from the corner, not wanting to disturb him. Taehyung then took the phone away from his ear and hung up even though Jungkook could still hear the quiet mumble of someone else talking.
"Who was that?" Jungkook asked.
Taehyung turned to him, his hard expression immediately softening at the sight of his boyfriend "just my dad, he was wondering where I was"
Jungkook raised an eyebrow at him as this wasn't normal Il-sung behaviour, in fact, Jungkook was sure that Il-sung forgets he has two sons until he sees one of them.

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