*:..。o○ 44 ○o。..:*

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Jungkook decided to stay at Taehyung's while his parents were there so he could see as much of them as possible

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Jungkook decided to stay at Taehyung's while his parents were there so he could see as much of them as possible. They decided they were going to stay slightly longer so they could go to the gala that the arena was putting on.

All the ice skaters and the hockey players had been working hard to try and perfect their routines. Jungkook and Taehyung had perfected their lift, even though Taehyung still didn't trust Jungkook not to drop him.


The night of the gala came and they were all ready to perform.
"How are you feeling?" Jungkook asked Taehyung.
"Sick" Taehyung muttered, arms folded and looking more standoffish than usual.
"It'll be okay, I won't drop you I promise"
Taehyung just sighed, not looking at him.

Jungkook frowned and stood behind him.
"Are you okay Taehyung?"
"Just peachy"
"Did I do something wrong?"
"No, I'm just not feeling well"
"Maybe you shouldn't go on"
"I'll be fine"

Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed in concern. Clapping could be heard from the arena signifying that the current performance was now over and Taehyung and Jungkook were on with some others.

They skated onto the ice, Jungkook keeping a careful eye on Taehyung to see if he was okay but everything seemed to be fine. The routine began and Jungkook tried to hit every step, he now truly understood what it'd be like to be a figure skater and it was a lot of fun but he would never give up ice hockey.

Then the lift came up. Jungkook skated behind Taehyung quickly picking him up and perching him on one hand above his head. After a few seconds he put him back down. Taehyung looked like he was going to throw up, his face pale with an almost greenish tinge to it but he still continued on.


Once the performance was over, Taehyung skated off quickly with Jungkook following closely behind him. The second Taehyung got off the ice he fell onto his knees. Jungkook crouched next to him "are you okay?"
Taehyung shook his head "I feel like I'm going to pass out" he panted out, struggling to breathe.
"Someone help! We need a doctor!" Jungkook shouted and a person from the medical team ran towards them.

"Taehyung? Can you hear me?" The doctor asked and Taehyung nodded slowly.
"Okay, explain to me what's wrong"
"It hurts" Taehyung cried out.
"What hurts?"
Taehyung didn't answer and rested his head on the floor.
"Does he have any pre existing conditions?" The doctor asked Jungkook.
"Yeah he has Coronary Heart Disease" Jungkook answered.
The doctor stared up at him "shit" he muttered.

"Someone call an ambulance!!" He shouted before going back to Taehyung.
"Taehyung do you feel pain here?" He asked putting his arms under Taehyung's body and touching his chest lightly.
Taehyung nodded, tears spilling out his eyes. By this point, they'd manage to accumulate a small crowd who were all wondering what was happening.

"The ambulance has arrived" A medical person called and soon enough paramedics pulled Taehyung onto a stretcher and began taking him away. Jungkook tried to follow them but they stopped him from coming into the ambulance and before he knew it they were driving away with Taehyung.

"Kook?! What happened?!" Jimin's voice shouted as he came running up to him, closely followed by Yoongi who looked equally as anxious as Jimin.
"I-I don't know. I think he might've had a heart attack" Jungkook muttered.
Jimin and Yoongi looked at him in alarm, sorry and fear taking over their expressions.

Jungkook couldn't look at them, he looked down at his shoes before bursting into tears. A pair of arms wrapped around him and rubbed his back soothingly.
"He'll be okay Kook" Jimin reassured him.
"I knew I should've made him sit the number out but I let him do it" Jungkook sobbed.
"Now's not the time to go blaming yourself" Yoongi said and Jungkook let go of Jimin to look at Yoongi.
"We need to find out where that ambulance took him and check up on how he's doing"

Sorry I didn't update last week but I was so busy that I didn't have any time to write but here's a short chapter and hopefully the next one will be a bit longer.

Schools been a bitch and I can't be bothered being there but oh well what can you do?

I hope you all have a great week

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