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V is for Victory

Jungkook came in early the next morning, ready for practice

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Jungkook came in early the next morning, ready for practice. He walked into the arena and saw his team members sitting in the stands.
"Why aren't we practicing?" Jungkook asked the captain, Kim Namjoon, a tall boy, good at hockey as well as a good leader but clumsy.
"Shhhh" a few of the other members hushed him. Namjoon didn't answer and pointed to the ice.

Jungkook looked and saw a boy in the middle spinning fast. Once he came out of the turn he quickly skated around the ice doing different tricks as he went. Jungkook heard some of his team awe at the ice skater. He tried to catch a glimpse of the face but the boy was usually facing away from him. "Who's that?" He whispered to Namjoon as he sat next to him.
"His name is Kim Taehyung but he is more commonly known as V" Namjoon informed him.
"Stands for victory, they say he's never lost at any tournament. He's the ice king"
"Because he's so good?"
"Well yes and he's cold to everyone he's ever met. People say even his parents. He's the best ice skater they have. I've not really seen him properly but apparently he's really pretty, rather feminine. Makes both boys and girls go wild but he's never actually been with anyone"
Jungkook nodded and watched, entranced, as Taehyung finished his routine and quickly skated over to the exit.

"He was amazing" Jungkook commented still staring at the exit the boy had left out of. Namjoon laughed and patted him on the back "now don't go getting any ideas Jungkook, I need you to be on top form for championships" Jungkook laughed obnoxiously "me?! Ideas?! That don't include hockey?! You've gone crazy hyung!"

Namjoon chuckled at the boys outburst and shook his head at him "I'm serious Jungkook, don't chase after him"
"But hyung" Jungkook whined.
"No, I don't care. I'm not going to allow you to spend time on that boy just so you can add him to your list of latest conquests" Namjoon said stubbornly.
Jungkook laughed "you make me sound like such a fuckboy"
"You are a fuckboy" A voice joined in cheerfully from behind him. An energetic boy called Jung Hoseok came up from behind him. Jungkook liked him and would call him a friend, he looked up to him. Hoseok was the fastest skater on the team and could've easily been a speed skater.

Jungkook just laughed and made his way to the ice, ready to warm up while the ice was still relatively soft.


He trained with his team for most of the morning before they got a break. Jungkook sat at a long table in the small cafe that was situated in the grand foyer of the ice arena. He sat with his teammates talking with the people around him. He heard commotion coming from the other side of the table and leaned over to the tall boy, Chanyeol, who was sat on his right "what's happening down there?" Jungkook asked.

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