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The Finals

Jungkook jumped to try and hype himself up for the last hockey game, the final

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Jungkook jumped to try and hype himself up for the last hockey game, the final. That which would determine whether his team would win or not. They were against Canada which wasn't a shock to anyone. Many reporters were surprised at how far the Korean team got since they were never that high on the leaderboards but this year they seemed to have a good run at it.

"You nervous Kook?" Hoseok asked from behind him.
"Yeah, a bit" Jungkook admitted.
"I get that, it's nerve wracking"
"Don't tell me the famous Jung Hoseok is nervous" Jungkook gasped in fake surprise.
Hoseok glared at him "who said I was nervous"
Jungkook chuckled at him as the announcer began to introduce them to the audience.

He skated onto the ice behind Minho, looking desperately in the crowd for Taehyung but with the amount of people there there was no chance that he would manage to find him in the crowd but he knew he was there and that's all that mattered.


The klaxon sounded signalling the start of the game and everyone sprang into action. Jungkook skated to a player of the other team expertly tackling him and gaining control of it. He then hit it hard across the ice where Hoseok managed to catch it and take it further. He slammed it towards the goal only to be stopped by the goalkeeper who got it back in possession of the Canadian team.

The Canadian team quickly got it to the other side of the rink and managed to get it passed their goalkeeper earning them their first goal. Jungkook sighed as he got ready for the next play.


After the first twenty minutes their team was so tired and they were getting thrashed by the Canadian team.
Namjoon stood in front of them, authoritative as always "right guys, I know that was a rough one but we can come back from this we've done it before and we can do it again. Jungkook, do you think you can get past number 8? He seems like he's the strongest defence player"
Jungkook nodded hesitantly.
"Jungkook, I need a positive answer. You need to be confident, how many times have you done this before? This time is no different" Namjoon encouraged "now once you get it past him pass it to Hoseok who will make sure he manages to be open and then Hoseok the goalkeeper always leaves the space between his legs slightly more open than he should quickly send it through there. I'll try and position myself so that if you can't get a clear shot you can pass it to me. Everyone got it?"

Everyone nodded and Namjoon smiled "and guys don't put too much pressure on yourselves. Even if we lose this game, we are still the best hockey team in Korea. Korea has never scored so highly, the highest they've ever been was 16th but we're at least 2nd and that is an achievement so no matter what happens out there, I am immensely proud of all of you"

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