Chapter 51

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Dallas pulled away barely a second after I saw them but it seemed so much longer than that. Part of me wanted to tuck tail and run away but the other part of me felt rooted to the floor.

"I'm so gonna kill him." Behind me, Adam's voice rang in my ears. I had almost forgotten he was there. The anger in his voice was somewhat alarming. Afraid he was going to charge, I reached an arm out and placed it in front of him.

"Don't bother. If he's still the guy who wants a girl like Angela, then I'm not even going to waste my time on him anymore." My voice sounded disgusted, but I didn't feel anything but betrayed. Dallas had every right to date who he wanted to. But standing in the hallway, watching him kiss a girl who was a jerk, made me feel like he had been hiding a side of himself that he didn't want me to know about. Losing trust in the person you considered to be your best friend really sucked.

"It doesn't make sense." Adam argued, shaking his head. "He told me he wasn't into her anymore. He's the one who broke up with her."

At this point, Dallas had his hands on Angela's shoulders, holding her at arm's length. He was trying to say something to her, but she just kept on pushing forward, trying to get another kiss.

"Well looks like he changed his mind."

"I'm gonna get his attention." Adam said abruptly, slinging his backpack off his shoulder. I was so busy trying to read Dallas' lips that it took me a couple seconds to comprehend his words. When I finally did, I felt my heart jump into my throat.

"Wait, what? No!" I didn't know what he was trying to do but I reached over, trying to pull his backpack away from him.

"Just trust me."

"No way." I muttered, slapping the arm he was using to try and keep my attacks at bay. "How is this going to help anything?"

"Watch and see." At this point, he had pulled a very large history textbook out of his backpack. At first, I was confused as to what he was going to do with it. Then, as he started to raise it above his head, it suddenly came to me.

"Adam!" I hissed in protest, but it was too late. Before I could do anything he had already slammed the book down on the ground. Hard. The sound reverberated off the walls and rang out throughout the entire hallway. Both Dallas and Angela's heads snapped over in our direction. Angela looked right past us, but Dallas looked right at me.

We made eye contact.... and I suddenly felt a cold anger rush over me. The frantic look in his eyes fueled me even more. He looked guilty and horrified that he had been caught red-handed.

Then maybe you shouldn't be chewing her face off in the middle of the freaking hallway.

I saw him say my name, but I didn't bother to stick around to see what else he had to say. I could feel the tears springing up in my eyes and the last thing I wanted was to let him see me cry. Adam must have noticed that the only thing I wanted in that moment was to run because he didn't try to stop me. In fact, he surprised me by giving my hand a quick comforting squeeze before I turned and bolted away.


Running is already hard enough for me. I may have mentioned I'm not exactly the most coordinated person to ever walk the worth. But running in a huge group of people in crowded hallways? That was ten times harder. At first, I wasn't trying to get anywhere in particular. I just wanted to get as far away from Dallas as possible. But after a couple moments of aimless rushing and pushing through people, I decided to just leave.

I wasn't one to ditch school, but I had already missed first period. I could just take a sick day. When I tell my mom what happened, she'll probably feel so bad she won't even be mad. So, I started to make my way to the parking lot. I had just made it out the door and was making the long trek to my truck when I heard the words that made my stomach drop.

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