Chapter 22

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Grayson noticed me at almost exactly the same time. He took a couple steps backwards, looking startled. 

"Sorry, Sadie. I didn't see you." He apologized quietly, but I wasn't really paying any attention to him. I was too busy staring at the guy who was standing by him. 

It was Mark. He hadn't noticed me yet. He was on his phone, looking like he was in the middle of a deep conversation. He was looking at the ground. I was about to say something or tap him on the shoulder, but he suddenly turned and walked off to the back of the bookstore, where my mom had just gone to. It took me a couple seconds before I composed myself, turning my gaze to Grayson. 

"How do you know that guy?" I asked, pointing a finger in the direction Mark had gone. I noticed a flash of weird hesitation on Grayson's face before he shrugged. 

"I've never seen him before. He was just asking me if I knew where a book was. I guess he thought I worked here." There was a certain uneasiness to Grayson's voice that made me feel suspicious. I guess that could have been the truth. But he was acting like he was hiding something. "Why?" He asked, quickly filling in the growing silence. "Do you know him?" 

"Uh, yeah. He's actually dating my mom." I replied, my mind still preoccupied with trying to figure out why Grayson was acting so different. I was so busy thinking I almost missed Grayson's eyes widen and his expression transforming into one of shock. 

"Wait, so your mom owns this bookstore?" Grayson asked. He sounded confused, like he was trying to piece together some sort of complex puzzle.

"Yes. Grayson, I told you that when we first met." I tried to keep the irritation and exasperation out of my voice, but it kind of seeped in. "Are you feeling okay?" I said when I noticed the faraway look in his eyes. 

"Fine." He muttered, focusing on my eyes only for a second before stepping around me and walking towards the door. "I just remembered I have something to do." He placed his hand on the door, gave me a weak smile, then exited the bookstore briskly. 


For the rest of the afternoon, the only way I could keep my mind off of Grayson was to keep busy with bookstore work. I had checked a few people out and gone around asking customers if they needed assistance before Mark finally emerged from the back of the store. 

He was making a beeline for the door, but I walked up to him, trying to plaster a smile on my face. When he noticed me, he stopped, then grinned softly. 

"How are you today, Sadie?" He greeted, placing the phone that was in his hand in his coat pocket. 

"I'm good. How about you?" I was trying to make small talk while contemplating how to build the conversation up to asking if he knew Grayson. I know I was trying to keep my mind off of it, but my curiosity had gotten the better of me. I knew Grayson had been lying about something. 

"Good but very busy. Sorry to be rude, but I really should be heading back to work now." He made a move to walk away from the conversation, but I held a hand up.

 "Wait, I just wanted to ask you something real quick." I didn't even wait for him to say anything else. "Do you know-"

"Sadie?" I heard my mom's voice from in her office. "Could you come here for a second?" Her tone sounded somewhat urgent, meaning I was in no position to refuse. 

I resisted the very large urge to roll my eyes. Sometimes my mom was the epitome of bad timing. Mark gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Sounds like your mom needs you. I'll talk to you later, Sadie." He patted my should before he scurried off into the snowy outdoors. I groaned inwardly before making my way back to my mom. She was sitting at the small desk that was next to the couch, writing in a notebook. 

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