Chapter XIII: Saying the Unspoken

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Roman pulled his date into the line for Peter Pan with a beaming smile on his face. "You have no idea how much I love this ride," he told him as they came to the end of the line. "I love Peter Pan so much, it's one of my favorite movies! Well, minus all the sexism and racism that comes from being such an old movie, but it's fantastic and I literally have a cartoon crush on him."

Virgil chuckled a little, smiling at him. "That's adorable, but totally same," he agreed.

The two of them walked through the line slowly, chatting about their favorite classic Disney movies. It was obvious to anyone who talked to the princely man for more than five minutes that he had a love for Disney, but he was shocked to discover that his date had a similar love for it. The darkly dressed man explained that he loved to look for the darker messages in their films. When Roman protested that Disney would never put dark messages into their films, he explained that they most likely weren't intentional, but they were still there. It was a very interesting debate that got them all the way through the cue. He got into the flying pirate ship car, offering his date a hand as he smiled at him.

"My darling Virgil," he said as the darkly dressed man took his hand.

They shared smiles as he pulled him into the ship with him. He wrapped an arm around him as they slid close together, leaning into one another happily. As the ride began, Roman started humming along with the music.

"Really Ro? Humming along?" Virgil pointed out teasingly as their ship traveled over the model of London and past the moon.

The princely man flushed but smiled nonetheless. "Yes, I love Disney music," he said as he tapped his fingers to the beat of the song playing through the ride. His date just rolled his eyes with an affectionate grin on his face as he looked over at him. Roman then gasped excitedly, pointing out each of the sections of Neverland as they 'flew' over it. "Look! The mermaids! And the Native Americans!"

"You're so adorable when you act like a kid that's never been on this ride before," the darkly dressed man seated next to him said, nuzzling his cheek as the passed over the final scenes. "You've probably been on that ride enough times to have the entire track and layout memorized, but still wanted to point at everything."

"I just can't help it! Disney bring out my inner childhood spirit!" Roman exclaimed as they exited the ride. "Now come on! We've got some time before we have to meet up with the others! Why don't we go see how long the line for The Little Mermaid is?"

Virgil nodded in agreement, also liking the sound of this plan as they headed in that direction. Fortunately, the line was only ten minutes, so they walked breezily through the mostly empty cue and boarded their seashell without having to do much waiting. "That was a really lucky break," he said with a smile as he relaxed in his seat.

"Yeah, I'm surprised the park isn't that busy today. I guess maybe it's cause it's been pretty cloudy," he said thoughtfully. "Most tourists wouldn't want to risk going to the parks and getting rained out when there's other things to do around Orlando that are indoors."

His date nodded in agreement as they fell into a comfortable quiet. The Little Mermaid was a much slower paced ride, and was a nice way to relax after walking around for a while. It was air conditioned, there was some of the most iconic Disney songs ever written, and phenomenal animatronics. Virgil scooted over to sit closer to his date, lacing their fingers together in their laps with a smile as he looked over at him. The amount of affection he felt for Roman was unlike anything else he'd ever experienced; he hesitated to call it love, but that's sure as hell what it felt like to him.

"There you see her, sitting there across the way," the princely man sang softly as they approached the Kiss The Girl scene of the ride. The darkly dressed man looked at him in surprise as he continued, smiling at him intently. "She don't got a lot to say, but there's something about her..."

He trailed off as he leaned closer towards him, making a very obvious glance at his lips as he sang even more softly. "And you don't know why but you're dying to try, you wanna kiss the girl," he practically whispered.

Virgil smiled breathlessly, moving forward the centimeter that was required to connect their lips in a slow and gentle kiss. They both smiled into it, not breaking away until they'd passed the scene of the ride completely. It was reluctantly that they did pull apart, gazing into each other's eyes as the ride continued. Roman felt his chest swelling with love; he wanted to say it, but he didn't want to scare him by vocalising his clear love for him. It was an understood thing that had developed over the course of knowing and dating each other, and he was worried he'd ruin it if he spoke his mind.

"Virgil, I-" he started, looking down nervously. His date looked at him curiously, not used to seeing him nervous. The only time he'd ever seen the princely man look this anxious was before their dinner date. Roman took a deep breath, angling his body toward him more in the shell as he continued. "I... I really hope you're not intimidated by me saying this, but I love you."

He blinked, gasping in surprise. "R-Really?" he asked quietly, his voice barely audible over the music that was playing around them in the ride.

"Yeah, I can have for a while, but I just, was too scared to ask you out and then when we started going out I was too scared to mess this up so-"

He was cut off by the darkly dressed man pulling him in for another passionate kiss. He gasped but melted into it, kissing back like his life depended on it. When they pulled away, he tried to speak, but Virgil beat him to it.

"I love you too," he said, grinning. "You're my prince."

Roman felt like he could burst with joy as he smiled wide enough to make his cheeks hurt. They wrapped each other in a tight hug and when the ride was over, they exited swinging their joined hands back and forth between them.

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