Chapter XII: Finding the Words

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Once the ride was over, they continued their way to Fantasyland. Roman was like a kid in a candy store, pointing at everything that was a reference, subtle or not, to a movie or character. This was his favorite part of the park, hands down.

Patton also loved this land of the park; his favorite ride was Winnie the Pooh, so naturally he begged his date to take him on it. "Please? Pretty please? I know it's for kids, but please?!" he pleaded comically.

"Aw, I wanted to go on Peter Pan," the princely man whined, crossing his arms.

The lines for those two rides were thirty minutes each, so it would be a waste of time to go on both when there was so much more to do. Considering the last time he'd wanted to do something different from Patton they went with Patton's choice made disappointment swirl in his stomach.

"How about this: you two go on Peter Pan while we go on Winnie the Pooh, and we'll meet at the tea cups in an hour, okay?" Logan suggested. "Just because this is a double date doesn't mean we can't split up for a while."

Roman grinned happily, nodding. "Yes, that works!" he agreed, pulling his date by the hand toward Peter Pan. "See you two in an hour!"

The baker laughed at his best friend as he turned to his own date. "Let's go!" he said, pulling him by the hand as they got in line for Winnie the Pooh.

The line was pretty boring, but talking to each other made it go by fast. Once they were on the ride, Patton was a giggling mess, grinning and pointing at all the characters as if he was child. The stoic man next to him couldn't help but smile at how adorable he was. I seriously got the most adorable man in the world to go on a date with me, he thought to himself. I can't believe he's actually interested in a boring guy like me when he's so colorful and exciting.

They departed the line after the ride had ended, the biggest smile was on his date's face as he turned to him. "Thank you for going on that with me. I know it's not exactly the most mature or fun," he said gratefully.

"Of course Pat," Logan replied, smiling reassuringly. He checked his watch, noticing that they had an extra twenty minutes to kill before they had to meet up with the other two. "We've got some time before we have to meet Roman and Virgil, would you like to get a snack of some kind?"

"Sure! Let's see, what's around here?" his date replied, looking at their surroundings curiously. His eyes landed on a little food service window that was selling soft serve ice cream.

The baker smiled, blinking at Logan innocently. The stoic man raised an eyebrow at him; being much more serious, he was a little skeptical about getting ice cream in the middle of the afternoon. However the look on his face was irresistible. With a chuckle, he nodded as he shook his head. Patton bit his tongue playfully, giggling as they made their way to the window.

"I'd like a chocolate-vanilla swirl with rainbow sprinkles, whipped cream, and a cherry on top please!" he told the server happily.

"I'd just like a bowl of vanilla please," Logan said, further proving his point about being boring compared to his date. He then noticed that the baker was fishing for his wallet, holding up his hand to make him stop. "You bought the pretzel earlier, allow me to pay for this."

He wanted to argue, but he knew he was correct so he nodded with a smile. "Thank you," he said as they received their ice cream and strolled over to a table. They took a seat, smiling at one another as they each took a bite of their ice cream. Patton sighed happily at the taste before clearing his throat to speak. "So, is this our second date? Or our third or forth?"

"Second," the stoic man replied, looking a little confused by his question. "We went to the movie for our first, this is our second."

This made the baker grin. "But is it? What about when you came in after hours at the shop and we shared a hot chocolate?" he questioned, making Logan's eyes widen as he thought about it. "And there was that time we bumped into each other at the roller skating rink, does that count even though we didn't know we liked each other?"

"I suppose if you count those instances, than this would be our fourth date," he said with a shrug. "I don't think I would count the skating rink, as that wasn't planned and we didn't know of each other's mutual attraction. Therefore, we were just hanging out as friends."

Patton nodded in agreement, taking another spoonful of his ice cream as he hummed along to the music that was floating through the air. His date was doing the same, having refocused on eating their sugary snack before it melted under the Florida heat. Watching him made him smile wide for no reason and his heart expand as though it was a balloon being inflated. He wondered if it was too early in their relationship to call what they had love. He felt that he was in love with him, but didn't want to say it in case he came on too strong.

"Hey Lo?" he said quietly, getting his attention. "What are we? Like, are we boyfriends?"

Logan looked surprised, frowning as he thought about it. "I suppose you could consider us boyfriends if that what you wish us to be? We go on dates, have mutual romantic attraction and feelings for one another, and are comfortable with intimate displays of affection. That's what boyfriends do right?"

"Yeah..." he answered softly, looking down at his ice cream. With a deep breath, he gathered his courage. "Look, I don't want to come on to strong, but I... I think I'm in love with you."

This got the stoic man's attention; he looked up in surprise, blinking rapidly as he comprehended whether or not he'd heard him correctly. Patton panicked at the reaction, quickly rushing to correct what he guessed was a huge mistake. "I-I mean- I might be- I don't know- I really like you- it's cool i-if not- I'm sorry!" he rambled out, shrinking back in his chair. "That was t-too far right? Gosh- I'm sorry- why am I so bad at this?!"

"Patton, calm down," Logan said, taking his hands and rubbing circles into his skin soothingly. "It's okay, I was just a little shocked. I've never had someone tell me that before. I didn't really know how to react."

The baker looked down at his hands, fidgeting with a sad expression on his face. Realization hit the stoic man; he'd reassured him that it was okay that he'd said that, but not that he reciprocated.

"Patton, I'm not the best with romance, as you might've gathered through our dates and the time we've spent together," he explained shyly. He looked up to meet Logan's eyes, hope shimmering in them. "I have many reasons to believe that I'm... I think I'm in love with you as well."

"Really?" he gasped, leaning forward with a bright smile.

The stoic man smiled too, nodding a little as he leaned forward to connect their lips in the softest kiss either of them had ever experienced. Patton was grinning like crazy as they broke apart, meeting his eyes.

"I don't care if we haven't been dating for that long, I'm in love with you," he murmured with a giggle.

Logan smiled in return before murmuring his reply. "I'm in love with you too."

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