Road down memory lane

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Bey and rih had already picked solo and they were on their way home

Solo: Sissy Bey

Bey: yea baby

Solo: I want ice cream

Bey: ok baby , rih will get u a cup wen we get to d eatery down d road

Solo: 😊 Sissy rih I want strawberry ND chocolate ice cream

Rih: that's no problem sugar ( hugs solo)

Rih: so how was ya day

Solo: it was fine spanked a couple of girls had to tell them who the boss is

Rih:😄 that's my girl

Bey: solo what did I tell u bout fighting

Solo: pouts they started it

Bey: that doesn't answer my question solange

Solo: that its bad , but they started it

Bey: I don't care who started it ,you do not fight people we weren't brought up that way

Rih: blah blah blah a bitc -girl gotta stand up for her self sometimes

Bey:🙄🙄🙄 you so lucky u didn't curse in front of her I would have made sure u paid the fine

Rih: 🤣🤣🤣 well I didn't

Bey parks and rih goes inside to get herself solo n bey ice cream

Solo: Sissy why don't we have a girls out tomorrow it's Saturday we ain't going to school.

Bey: wen rih comes u ask her if she says yes then girls day out it is.

Rih comes with their ice cream

Rih: one 4 u bby solo
One 4 u bey bey
ND one 4 me

Bey: tnks sis

Rih: you welcome hun ☺️

Bey drives home solo runs to her room

While bey and rih stays back in d car

Bey:saw the way u were looking at her and you had the audacity to smack her ass

Rih: huh who what ass

Bey: rihanna don't act dumb Nicki's ass

Rih: baby bey it's not like that u know I only got eyes 4 you and besides I was only was being extra friendly because I saw that she was nervous u know she's new and will take sometime before she will be fully comfortable

Bey:(sighs) m sorry I thought about it the other way

Rih: it's OK for u to be bothered it shows you care.

Rih pov
I was 15 when I started living with mama T and bey.
Mama Tina treats me like her own daughter.


Social serv: Rihanna Robyn Fenty

Rih: yes

Social serv: meet your new mom Tina Lawson

Rih:good afternoon ma

Tina: good afternoon baby

Me and mama T walked to her car while we were in the car

Tina: Rih

Rih: yes ma

Tina: 🙂 you can call me mama am your mum now

Rih: yes ma, I meant mum

Tina: good girl, so tell me about your self .

Rih: Am 15 my mum and my dad had a divorce, they had problem with who I was going to stay with that's why I was put in d system.

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