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Nicki and bey went to their room leaving me and solo to go to ours , solo went to hers and I went to mine .

Not long after I entered my room i heard a knock on my door
I opened and saw solo

Solo: sisi rih can I please sleep in your room I don't want to sleep alone .

Rih: OK come in

I stepped out of the door so she could enter , she went straight to the bathroom after a while she came out with her hair being messy and all over the place,

I kept staring at her , she look at me and I turned my face away

Solo: you like what you see right
She sat on the rug on the floor

 Rih: shut up solo Don't start getting ideas was just admiring the new colour you put on your hair

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Rih: shut up solo Don't start getting ideas was just admiring the new colour you put on your hair

Solo: whatever I know am pretty who wouldn't stare.

She got up from the floor coming to join me on the bed she lay close to me cuddling into me resting her head on my chest.

Rih: get your blonde head out of my chest

Solo: I just want to cuddle sisi rih

I sighed in defeat , solo was my baby sister I don't want to start looking at her in such a way.

Because she was turning me on honestly .

Before I knew it she was kissing and biting on my neck

Rih: solo stop what are you doing

Solo: am tryna get laid

This girl got balls , have always known she wasn't the type to hide how she felt about anything.

Rih: cant help you with that sis ....move

I said pushing her off me

She crawled back and this time she was on top of me

She went straight for my lips kissing and sucking my bottom lips at first I didn't react , but then her hands found their way to my hips and that sent chills all over.

In my head I kept saying I could fuck anybody but not solange .

She rubbed my hips slowly dragging her hands to my inner thigh and my lips gave me away when I moaned .

That was when I flipped us over I wasn't gonna let this little girl daddy me.

Two hours later I made her come for what seemed to be like the hundredth time .

When she finally came down from her high she kissed me passionately and cuddled into me and she was knocked out.

I kept watching her in her sleep how did I not notice that she was this beautiful.

Bey was going to kill me if she heard about this .

Nicki POV

Bey has refused to talk to me unless I gave her an understandable explanation.

Nicki: baby don't be like that

Bey: you are not sleeping on this bed ,go sleep on the couch

Nicki: you can't be serious

Bey: did you catch a smile on my face when I talked .

Nicki: fine

I got up taking my pillow with me

Bey: so you really gon sleep on the couch and leave me and your baby alone on the bed , I thought you loved us 😥😥

My Goddddddd

I walked back to the bed bringing her closer to me

Nicki : see baby we are being followed , I don't want you to freak out I have everything under control OK

Bey: OK.

Nicki: Can I sleep on the bed now

Bey: duhh yes but first I want some head

Nicki : horny ass

Bey what ever.

Solo POV

I know she thinks am sleeping, well am not I can feel her burning holes on my face.

She probably thinking about how she doesn't want to do this again , well she's on the long thing thinking we are going to stop doing this.

Sis rih is my type of person and I would love for this to be more than sex for us .

There's nothing bad in trying out a relationship.

I opened my eyes aha I was right she was staring .

Solo: sis rih

Rih: uhnm

Solo: would you like to do this again

Rih: 😳😳 do what again solo

Solo: Don't act like you don't understand

Rih: well young lady I don't understand

Solo: OK let me not beat around the Bush , sis rih I want to be your girlfriend.

Rih: does that even sound right in your ear

As I was about to talk the door burst open and some masked men snatched me from her arms it happened so fast I wasn't even sure if I blinked .

She just kept shouting and trying to struggle with them at a point I couldn't hear her voice again .

I guess I blacked out ,but I was conscious in my mind I felt my body flinged on a hard surface and a loud locking sound.

End of chapter

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Who saw a rihxsolo train coming

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