Dont try me

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Nicki POV

Bey was still sleeping I got up early because I had to make sure the things I planned for us today were going to be as planned.

As early as 8 I was supposed to be at the studio ,then from there I'll go for sound check and rehearsal for my show this evening.

I made a few calls , then bey started moving on the bed indicating that she was waking up ,

Bey: morning daddy

Nicki: morning babe

Bey: why you up so early

Nicki: I have a lot to do today and I had to wake up early so I could prepare for the day.

Bey: what do you have planned for us today

Nicki: you rih and solo would be out for spa from there ya all can fix for nails and hair do a little shopping and then you'll come join me at the venue of my show .

Bey: hmmmm and what will you be doing

Nicki: working of course am going to the studio then I' ll go for rehearsals before the show

Bey: I don't wanna go out with rih and solo I wanna go out with you .

Nicki: what will you be doing when am in the booth dropping lines

Bey: clapping and cheering you of course

Nicki: no I don't want that I want you to enjoy your day

Bey: why can't you just come with us and let's have a girls outing

Nicki: and don't you think I'll like that, I need to record some songs , and rehearse before the show.

Bey: OK

We had our bath together in the middle of us getting dressed ,
We heard a knock on our door , bey went to open the door revealing solange and and rih

Solo: Hey big sisters

Nicki: hey baby girl how you

Rih: bey go get dressed fast we late for our first appointment

Bey: OK

Bey got dressed and they left .

Just after they left I got a message from Trina my assistant telling me she was outside my hotel with my drive.

I rushed out to meet her cause we were already running late.

Immediately I got into the car she started giving me countless updates

Trina: morning Nicki

Nicki: morning Trina

Trina: so for today immediately we leave the studio you were supposed to have a two hour break before dress and final rehearsal for the show

Nicki: yea right

Trina: hmmm that break is taken

Nicki: what you mean by that break is taken.

Trina: Pepsi moved their advert shoot forward so you are going in for measurement and for a mini shoot.

Nicki: why am I just getting this info now

Trina: because I just got it last night ,like very late in the night

Nicki: and you agreed to it ,

Trina: I tried telling them no , till they tripled the pay

With that I kept quiet who says no to a tripled pay.

We got to the studio and all of my niggaz where there , I was dropping a line or two for one of The Weekend's song

TW: hey little mamas

Nicki: aiii quit calling me little before I light up your dreads

TW: awwwwn she angry at me , don't be mad ma was just joking.

Nicki: what ever let's just get to this and get done with it .

With that I entered the booth , I listen to the beat twice cleared my throat and started free styling.

A yo you know I lost her before
And now I got her again
And she ain't going no where
She helped me outta the drain
She helped me relieve the pain
She got the title my wife
Am gonna give her my knife

While I was rapping my phone vibrated and unlocked and opened the notification it was a picture of bey rih and solo having fun , with the message ' DON'T TRY ME OR AM GONNA END YOUR FAMILY' I'll call you in two hours don't call the police am watching you too.

I got out of the booth walking out to my car I thank God I put the driver on stand by.

I started calling bey she didn't pick up, same with rih , but then solo picked up the call

Solo: Hey sisi how are you

Nicki: where is bey and rih

Solo: they with me

Nicki: Good I'm gonna send an address right now ya all should come meet me there ASAP

Solo: But we just got out of the spa we haven't even done our nails or hair yet.

Nicki: I said to meet me at the address am sending now

Solo: OK

With that the line went dead I called Trina

Nicki: Hey Trina cancel all my appointments today

Trina: you got to be joking Nicki

Nicki: No am not

Trina: Then you crazy

Nicki: see I don't have the time for this right now,clear my schedule and that's it

Trina: uhmmm Nicki you seem to be forgetting about the show tonight

Nicki: no I didn't forget

Trina: am I clearing that too

Nicki: yes with the meeting with Pepsi clear it all

As she was about to talk I hung up

Heading to the destination I was texting solange

End of chapter
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Love ya all 😘

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