Something's Fi🐬yyyy

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Kelly POV
After bey left I was pondering on what have been asked to do.

Y'all never heard this but I liked bey a lot yea she's my boss and best friend ,its more deeper than that ,when Rih and Nicki left I was there for her we became close and I started developing feelings for her ,I never told her because at that time I thought she wasn't ready and then Shawn came into the picture .

They started of as friends until he helped her with her business and she seemed to be in love with him . Shawn left and Nicki came that's one of the reason I don't like Nicki she took my girl from me again and its even worst than when she was with Shawn cause Nicki now seems to be her all.

When it was time for me to close I packed up my things and called bey.

Bey: yo what's up

Kelly: just closed from work ,you got any food at home ??

Bey: am preggo am supposed to have food.. But none to share, just for me and ma Baby

Kelly: what ever I'll stop to get food for me ( emphasis on the me)

Bey: since ylu gon get food for you your gate pass to my house is gone be food for me.

Kelly: shut your pregnant mouth up bitch

Bey: I want waffles and vegetables tho

Kelly: get off my phone

Bey: love you too 😂

Line goes dead

I went to restaurant and bought our food I went home quickly freshened up and drove to bey's house ,I don't like to call it Nicki's house .

I knocked and she opened the door grabbing the food bag leaving me to stand outside

Bey: you could come inside or stay outside.

Kelly: all your pregnant self care about is food you trying to give birth to a giant.

Bey: whatever ...and besides why you wearing that dress am supposed to be wearing that it looks like a preggo dress.

Kelly: 😂😂😂 you so so crazy bey.

Bey: am seeing my baby soon

Kelly: ya I know my little pumpkin coming soon

Bey: am taking about Nicki bruh

Kelly: scoffs. You should tell Shawn about he's baby ..

Bey: what baby

Kelly: don't act dumb bey you know Shawn is the father of that child you carrying

Bey: no Nicki Is

Kelly: you not serious right now ,Nicki can't get you pregnant, Shawn deserves to see he's child

Bey: Kelly am gonna ask you to leave if you keep talking about Shawn in my goddamn house. The baby isn't here yet nobody should even think of stressing me

Kelly: am sorry

Bey: you should be

Kelly: I should leave

Bey: yea you should .

I felt bad for dismissing Kelly like that, but she's acting weird ,first she talks to a mystery person and next she shows up at my house talking about Shawn the day he called me to talk bout the baby ..

Maybe am just over thinking it .

Kelly left and I became horny and hungry after eating 😫😫 this pregnancy ain't funny at all 😭.

Not long after I heard my door open and I felt a presence in my house and I felt like I was in one of those creepy scary movies scene.

I got up from my seat and screamed when I felt some one hug me from behind I quickly turned back and i saw Nicki

Bey: oh my God you startled me

Nicki: sorry babe just wanted to surprise you .

Bey: You never told me you were in town when we talked earlier

Nicki: cause I wasn't I just got in

Bey: well well you just in cue cause I missed daddy.


Well well u just in cue cause I missed daddy bey said pulling her clothes .

She looked so fine even with the protruding belly matching with her well tanned body.

I shook my head trying to focus cause I was obviously drooling.

Baby girl bend over there I said pointing to a chair the words came out like a growl I was so turned on

It felt like magic how she still had the same effect she had on me when we were still little girls.

I walked to her rolling up the sleeve I was putting on.

The sight of her honey pot was amazing it was glistering and it had this spark .

After feeding my eyes for about 10 seconds I used my hand to swipe across her hole and she shivered .

Bey: damn daddy stop teasing and just fuck me.

Nicki: that's not a good girl didn't daddy teach you to beg

I said taking my hands to her hips rubbing and feeling her skin

Bey: hmmm daddy plssss fuck me

Nicki: you have missed daddy that bad

Bey: yes daddy please fuck me

With that I bent over using my tongue to clean her wetness before playing with her wetness she tasted like strawberry

I moaned sending chills through out her body I felt her shiver she let out a low moan and adjusted her body a little under my mouth.

I bit on her pussy lips causing her to growl, I then inserted two fingers inside her fucking her senseless.

Nicki:Hmmm bey you so tight don't you think you should stretch that pussy ,baby I want to work that pussy

Bey: please daddy am all yours

With that I inserted a third finger causing her to grip on the chair.


I increased the pace at which I fucked her and she arched back

Nicki: and now that's a good girl taking it all

She let out a moan with her walls squeezing my hands .

While I increased the pace of my finger I used my other finger to rub on her clits seconds later she was a mess cumin all over and jibbering all shit from her mouth not making comprehendible sentences

When she came back from her high I cleaned all of her cum and she just layed on the rug on the floor.

Bey: daddy am hungry

Nicki: young lady don't let me give you a second baby ,stop with that daddy shit.

End of chapter

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Nursing school has been doing some ass whooping .

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