Resentment😔😔 to Paradise 😝😝

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OMG she even had the guts to bring her to our house,my mother's house.
After that call I knew there was nothing left for me. Tears continued to flow as I listened to Zayn Malik entertainer. I felt Nicki tap my back

Nicki: girl you still crying

Bey: I missed rih call and decided to call her call her back and cardi picked up saying rih is in the bathroom.
Nicki(sobs) she brought her to my house.

Nicki:it's ok (Robs bey hair).

Nicki consoled me till I slept, I woke up the next morning seeing I was alone in the bed my eyes were heavy I could feel dried tears on my face.

Nicki:morning beauty


Nicki:how do you like your bath water

Bey: ummmm warm


She walks to her bathroom. She had a perfect shape and that ass anyone would kill to get that ass but I don't really want to think about this right now I really loved rih and look how it ended..

Nicki: just ran your bath water come and have your bath there's an extra tooth brush up there if you didn't bring yours.

Bey: thanks

Nicki: When you are done come downstairs for breakfast


Nicki POV
I really felt bad for bey. I know I was tryna avoid her but I still loved her,
waking up this morning to her was one of d best things that's happened to me all my life.

Am just going to give her time to heal. And see if she and rih are gonna get through this ,I really don't want them back together it sound selfish but damn bey is dah bomb don't know why rih did her dirty like that,am just gonna pray and hope it works to my advantage.

Damn just look at her walking down the stairs,she's amazing.

Bey:hey watchu staring at?

Nicki:umm nothing, breakfast ready

Bey:hmmm look what we have here omelette and oat. Looks yummy.

Nicki:hope you like it

Bey:hmmmm (takes a spoonful of oat.and bite from her omelette)

We ate our breakfast in silence in could tell she was enjoying her breakfast. She did the dishes while I got our things for school packed.

When we were done we hurriedly Left the house we were already late.

After cardi left I tried calling bey but it went straight to voicemail I hope she's ok.
I came early to school so I could wait to see bey when she comes. I saw a familiar figure ahead my eyes widened at the sight of bey coming out of a car ,

Nicki like seriously she spent the night at Nicki's am not having this I walked towards them

Rih:so we hanging out with bitches now

Nicki:am just gonna act like I did not hear wat you just said. Don't have the strength for your crazy ass this morning tryna keep my day scandal free.

Bey: like seriously, you the one fucking bitches

Right:watchu mean

I hope bey doesn't know about me and cardi

Bey: called you yesterday your little hoe. Cardi picked up talking bout being your girlfriend and that u were in the bathroom

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