let's give them the right KNOWLES

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Like what just happened here, solange just got snatched from me, I was just holding her now she's gone.

I began to panic , I should call Nicki

I called Nicki and she picked on the second ring

Nicki: Hey why you calling me this late

Rih: they took solange

Nicki: whatchu mean by they took solange.

I started crying solange was taken from my room just now by some men

Nicki: its OK rih don't cry am coming to your room now.

The line went dead and I looked for something decent to wear, how was I going to explain solange being in my room by this hour of the day.

Nicki POV

Bey: who took solo

Nicki:I guess its the people following us .

Bey: My God what are we going to do 😭

Nicki: Bey don't cry get up and put on a dress we going to rih's room right now

We got dressed and bey cried while getting dressed to when we got to rih's room .

When we got to rih's room the door wasn't locked so I just pushed the door and we went in.

Rih was sitting on her bed putting on her PJ she had dried tears on her eyes

Nicki: rih what's up how did you know solange was taken

Rih: we were both here in my room and then the door burst open and some men on mask just grabbed her out of the room , I tried fighting them off even with their guns but I couldn't .

Bey: what the hell was solange doing in your room at this hour of the day .

Rih: we were just talking , she came in here saying she didn't feel like sleeping alone so I allowed her to join me.

Bey:my God what am I going to do now

Nicki: don't worry about it have texted Wayne and he has it under control , what we need to do is stay together and pray that nothing happens to her before Wayne and he's boys find her.

Solo POV

I heard muffled voices , my eyes began to open , when my eyes were fully opened I saw my self in a dark room I tried standing up that was when I realized I was tied up

???: Don't bother standing up its no use.

That was a female voice

Solo: who the fuck are you and why am I here

???: Don't be an anxious little bird your anxiety will not take you anywhere.

Solo: fuck you

???: that's too bad am not even into girls but I have a friend who's into girls .

The door bursted open and the light was switched on

Revealing Kelly and Shawn coming into the room

Shawn turned to the girl that has been talking to me sitting on the chair.

Shawn: isla why is she here

Isla: she's the girl you showed me in the picture

Shawn: no she isn't the one I showed you is pregnant

Isla: but she wasn't pregnant in the picture you showed me

Shawn: but I told you she is

Isla: they look alike you sure I got the wrong person

Shawn : yea you got the wrong person , this is her little sister.

Isla: ohhh sorry

Shawn : fuck man

Solange: Shawn you just an idiot ,I don't know what my sister saw in you big ass lipped face mtcheew .

Kelly: hey just shut up

Solange: and you are supposed to be who my sister's best friend ...rubbish
Bey gave you a job and this is how you pay her

Kelly: just keep quiet .

Solo: make me bitch

Kelly: so what are we gonna do to get the right person ,she's more or less useless

Shawn took Kelly out of the room leaving the light on .

Shawn POV

Shit just got deep this mofos got solange instead of bey and now their security is gon be tight.

Kelly: Shawn I asked a question

Shawn: we gon use solo as a bait , bey loves her sister and she's going to sacrifice her life for her .

Kelly: what's the plan

Shawn: sending a message and request for an exchange.

Kelly: get the phone ready then

All I wanted to was kidnap bey and keep her hostage ,I love her and no body gets to keep her if am not keeping her.


Wayne: aii every one the plan is to go through the back and take solo out without anyone noticing ,after she's out of the building me and my guys go back in and raid the damn building.

Bey: I want my sister alive maybe ya all should call the police or something

Everyone turned to my direction giving me sis you gone mad look.

Bey: what am just saying how do you intend to get through the back without getting noticed

Wayne: we got an inside man and he told us the best routes to not get noticed, plus they not expecting us

Bey: I don't care , just get me my sister alive without a scratch.

As we were talking Nicki's phone rang

She took the call and her face slowly turned into a frown then she hung up not saying a single word

Nicki's: these niggas gon mad

Rih: who was that

Nicki: the mofos that took solo

Bey: what did they say

Nicki: we ain't gon hurt her but you got to exchange her with seeing the other Knowles yen yen ..

Wayne: shit so ,they actually got the wrong person , they where gon take bey .

I got up rubbing my stomach

Bey: since they got the wrong Knowles let's give them the right one.


End of chapter
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