Last Days together

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I woke up feeling sore on my lower parts last night was crazy as fuck I felt Nicki and rih's warm bodies on me it felt right and I couldn't explain what I was feeling right now I got up and limped to my room yea that's right we slept in the sitting room I went into my bathroom did my morning routine after that I decided to make breakfast when I was done I decided to wake Nicki and rih

Bey: ya all sleepy ass better wake up now

They turned and changed position.

Rih:what the fuckkkkk

Nicki: ohhhh my, bey why anything but water,I'm not ready to wake up

Rih: shit I can't stand am sore

Nicki: 😂😂😂 guess I left my trade mark in you

Rih: silly don't hype your self I aint that sore

Bey: enough of the conversation ya all smell like pussy go have your bath .

We had breakfast and rih went home.
Nothing special happened through out the day .the next day was Monday and we just went about our normal morning routine it was prom week and people have already started voting for who prom king and queen would be I heard me and Nicki were on the top of the list it used to annoy me that she just showed up and was slowly stealing my shine I have no problem with it because she was my baby now ...

Nicki POV
Me and bey were the happening girls in school not everyone knew we were dating because have not been bullied about it neither has she , I was low key glad that bey and rih had made up and I was kinda sad that our little fairytale was gradually ending I was going back to Trinidad

Rih was going back to Barbados and Bey has applied as an intern in a very big fashion institute in new York. She hasn't told me yet I stumbled on the application letter.

things were really going slow this week and I was kind of Happy about it I was walking down the hall when I heard a familiar voice

Rih: Nicki

Nicki: huh 🙂

Rih: whatsup

Nicki: am cool and you

Rih: am ok...soooooo????

Nicki: I know wat happened over the weekend was kinda weird I would love if we don't talk about it let's just act like it never happened

Rih: watsup how's the prom gonna be like

Nicki : ion know me and bey have gotten our dress tho

Rih: am yet to get mine

Writer's POV
So the week went smoothly Nicki and bey had a tie with prom vote so they were both crowned prom queens.

After graduation bey was accepted by the fashion school she applied for so she moved to New York,

rih moved to Barbados she was been poached by a top modelling company and Nicki went into music she was in the process of been signed by a top label in New York.

They called each other once in a while to talk and hang out but as time passed the more successful they became and that meant less time to hang out keeping up became a problem for them.
Short chapter I know 😏😏
Just had to rushed things up so I could move to the main action
Didn't proof read

Pls vote

What do u think about the trio splitting

What do u think about the jobs they all choose

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