100 10 7

jiwoo's p.o.v

me and zora got out of school extra early so that we can go and buy our dresses .

'Hey,which one do you think is better ?'

'That one.'

'Good choice.' she pointed at a really pretty black knee length dress which i am sure is gonna lead me to getting some attention. who am i kidding that's exactly what i want. we got ready and went to jacksons house and youngjae was already there.

'Hey guys'. 

'Hi you guys look great.' 

'Thanks you do to.'

'Lets go'



After we got to the club the first thing jackson and youngjae did was find the fucking bar.finally when they found it they started gulping down the alcohol like there's no tomorrow.

'Guys chill out the drinks are not going to run away.'

'But Jiwoo-ah what if my vodka actually run away.' said the drunk youngjae.

'yes,it will you dumbshit ,so drink faster.' commented jackson.

we just stared at those drunk fools and after having a serious discussion with each other we decided to leave those fuckers. 

'Hey wanna dance.' some hot guy came to me and asked me to dance with him.

I hesitated at first but then zora pushed me onto him and gave me a thumbs up.

'sure?!.' i answered him.

He just chuckled and showed me a box smile.

'By the way i am taehyung .kim taehyung.' he said.wow even his name is Hot.

'Oh i am park Jiwoo.' i replied.

'I know who you are.' he said twirling me as we were dancing to the music.

'Huh?how do you know me ?'

He just gave me an evil smirk and brought something to my face.

'Good night.princess.'

The next thing i know is that i was tied to a chair in a dark room,with just a source of light above my head. what is this some shit movie scene or something ? i thought.

I was trying to loosen the ropes which were tied to my hands. but it was too tight.damn now my hands were going to be bruised so i just left it and stared straight towards the door ready to glare daggers right into the soul of whom ever had kidnapped me. 

After what felt like 20 years ( 10 mins 😆) some hot guy just entered the room and looked me from top to bottom and started smirking .

'I know i am hot as fuck ,you don't have to eye me like i am your prey or something. why exactly have you fuckers brought me here.'

'Ohh..... you are a tough one. huh i get it now why people would pay you millions just to have a one night stand.'

'One night stand ? the hell you talking about bitch.'

'Hey, you better watch that mouth of yours before i shoot your head open.'

When i was about to make my all time best comeback a guy entered the room and was pretty tall and had a beautiful smile.

what the fuck is this place. why is it filled with so many hotties.

'Hey Jimin did you get her to talk something ' asked the guy who had the beautiful smile. 

'Something?.' he snorted. 'she is a talking machine who apparently cant find the off switch.' said the Jimin guy.

'Hey, shut it asshole.' i said.

I think i pissed him off a teeny little bit.

'Come here you bitch, you need to be thought some manners.'

okay maybe i made him pissed a lot.

He came towards me and grabbed me by my hand and it hurt like a bitch.

'Hey leave me mother fuckers ' i said on the urge of crying cuz of how he was holding me.

'Shut up slut.'

'Bitch......i am a virgin.'


'What do you ass holes even want ?'

'We want your life ' he said having an evil smile on his face.

'And why would you want my life? yours was too boring that you actually went and kidnapped people just so you could have a not so lonely life?.' i said laughing so hard at my own comment.

'Why you little-.' 

'Just leave her alone Jimin.'

'But Hoeseok hyung how can i let this bitch talk to me like this.' Jimin said to Hoeseok.

'Just leave her, Jungkook will take care off her.' he said smirking at me .

Author : hey that's it for this chapter. hope u guys liked it . i will update soon. bye guys.😘✌😍💖.

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