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Zora's p.o.v

'Bitch I'm your worst nightmare.' I said glaring at Taehyung.

'And who are you?'. he said looking at me from head to toe.

'Seriously?you don't know me?'. i asked dumbfounded.

'Noona, he does not know you, remember you went with that angel princess to earth.so they don't have much memory  about you.'he explained.

'Oh'. I said.

Jiwoo's p.o.v

What are they talking about? what angels? I have so many questions going on around my head. Like what are they talking about? are there any supernatural being existing? where can I order  some burgers? how did my friends reach here so fast? I want Starbucks! my hands are tied to tight. Imma whoop those mathafucka's  ass.

'Guys, what angels?what are you talking about?'.

'Oh shit,  Youngjae erase her memories.'

'Wait wha-.'

And the next thing I know my vision went completely blank. 

Zora's p.o.v

'Okay, I'm sorry for barging in like that.'

'Ya, and sorry for breaking the door.'exclaimed Jackson chuckling nervously.

'What you broke my door?'screamed Hoeseok.

'Man, that was plywood.you know how expensive it is'. he said.

'Mmm......it felt really smooth to the touch too.' said Youngjae.

'I know right.' said Hoeseok. giving a high five to Younjae.

'Can we stop talking about some shit wood.' I screamed at those idiots.

Both Hoeseok and Youngjae just gasped.

'How dare you.' said Hoeseok.

'How could you.' exclaimed Youngjae.

'Guys just stop this.' Jackson said.

'Anyway coming back to the topic ' I said .

'We have something important to tell you.' Jackson said crossing his arms and making a serious face.

We told the  guys  about who actually Jiwoo is and the actual truth on why we brought her here and she will only regain her full memory about being the princess of angels on her 18th birthday.

After telling them the whole story. Taehyung came up all serious and asked ;

'So she is not Lee Yui ?'

We just face palmed ourselves. 

Jungkook's p.o.v

I looked down at the sleeping beauty. ''cough..can you''cough''hear the sarcasm. I laughed to myself.

'So what do we do now?.' I asked them.

'Well obviously i removed her memory but as she is 17 and a half she will start to get her powers back slowly so my powers won't work on her it used to.' explained Youngjae.

'Ok......just take her and leave. 'i said looking at her.

'Bitch who are you trying to boss around? huh? I am older than you.' said Zora.

'Ugh,noona , just take her already and leave.' I begged her....kinda.

'Ugh,fine.' she said.

Youngjae picked Jiwoo up and walked out the door followed by Zora and Jackson,but before he left he turned around to Taehyung who was standing near the door or the door which was once there.

'This is the bitch you are looking for.' Jackson said taking a photo out of his pocket. 

'Thanks man.' Taehyung said,quiet embarrassed.

'Anytime, keep the pic' Jackson said biding goodbye.


I woke up to a throbbing head pain.'How did i even come here?'. the last thing I remember is going clubing with my friends. 

While doing my morning routine some of the events that happened last night came flashing to me. I gasped  when I realized the conversation I had yesterday. 

I ran down the stairs about to leave when i remembered I didn't eat my breakfast yet.

What can I say food is bae and for me bae comes first. Hehe......

I finished my food and went to my car and drove of to school.


I reached school and I didn't see my friends anywhere.

'Ok...i will see them at lunch, I guess.' I thought heading to my first class.

Soon lunch time came and I entered the cafeteria to be greeted by someone tackling me. man she is strong.

'Hey Zora.' I said smiling at her.

'OMG......my baby,i missed you so much.' she fake cried.

'We literally saw each other yesterday.' I laughed. 

'It's still long.' she said dragging me towards the guys.

After settling down on a table and i said  ;

'Guys i had the craziest dream.'

author: Thats all for this chapter hope u all enjoyed it....😎😘....bye guys.

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