Why did you?

40 3 6

Jiwoo's p.o.v

I woke at 7 in the morning and for some reason I was extremely happy today , so i decided to take a long bath. I got ready and i happily skipped down the stairs humming a happy song. I went into the kitchen and saw Jungkook sleeping on our kitchen table while sitting on one of the high chairs.He had his computer screen on and papers where scattered on the table.Seeing the mess i shut down his laptop,arranged his papers and put a pillow under his head so that he wouldn't have a neck pain later.

I planned to cook something that we would enjoy and settled for bacon and eggs.I was cooking the eggs while humming to a tune that i recently heard when i heard shuffling from behind me.I  got startled and looked behind me.

' Bacon? ' he asked sniffing the air.

' u-um and eggs ' i said stuttering as i was quite flustered by how he looks like damn that disheveled hair and that husky morning voice.now that's a mood. 

' i don't want your damn food ' he said getting up from the chair and grabbing his papers and laptop ready to leave the place.

' wait...but i made this for the both of us ' i said turning off the stove and now looking directly at his expressionless face.

' Didn't you hear me the first time...i don't want the food, you can have my portion too' he said already walking up the stairs.

' Anyways that's what you are best at....stuffing your face with food ' he said already closing the door to his room.

' um...i guess then more food for me ' i said but didn't exactly feel like eating anymore hearing him say those words.

After finishing both of our breakfast i took my plate and put it in the sink making a mental note of doing the dishes later , when i heard the front door being slammed shut which made me flinch by the sudden sound.

' I guess he left for work then ' i said to myself trying to busy myself for the rest of the day.

I was watching Netflix and chilling when i suddenly got a phone call from Sumin...my classmate.

' Hey Sumin...whats up ' i said balancing the phone on my shoulder while lowering the volume of the TV with one of my hand and grabbing a handful of popcorn with the other.

' Hey girl...so are you free tonight , maybe we could go out and watch a movie or something ' Sumin asked.

' Yeah...i'll totally come...what time is the movie? ' i asked quite excited to get out of the house finally.

' it's at 8...so don't be late ' she said through the phone.

' Ok i wont...bye now ' i said and hung up on the call smiling to myself as i was excited to go out and have some fun.

~Time skip to later at night~

It was already 7 in the evening and jungkook would be home later so i decided to take a shower and get dressed for the movie.i got ready and ran down the stairs when i saw jungkook entering the house.

' Where the hell are you going? ' he asked with an angry expression and he looked tired too so that's not great...i thought.

' I'm just going for a movie with Sumin...i'll be back before 11 ' i said taking my purse and walking towards the door when he suddenly blocked my way.

' Well...i don't care where you were planning to go because you aren't allowed to go anymore.' he said folding his arms and looking at me with a stern face.

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