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Takes place at the prison


It's been 10 months  since we found this place I hope this will last a while because I'm not ready to travel yet I sleep in a cell with my best friend Carl. carl lost his mom last month when she gave birth to Judith so he always is depressed so I'm always there to help him

I wake up to Judith in the bed next to me I must have fell asleep watching her Carl walks "hey sleepy head he" picks up Judith "hey Carl what's up" "Nothing beth wants Judith for a while" I yawn "okay come back I need to talk to you" I say  then my eye flutter shut

A couple hours later I feel a dip in the bed and wake up "hey" I say and turn to carl "sorry I didn't want to wake you up so I just layed down" "its alright" I smile I slowly learning in until our lips touched I pulled away lip shaking

"Y/n I love you"

"Carl I love you too"



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