Tiger stripes

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Climbing under the sheets beside her sleeping boyfriend, (y/n) smiled, moving the hair from his cheek gently and pecking it before laying down on her side. It had been a long day in Alexandria and it was late at night. She had agreed to do the evening shift so she had just gotten off it and wanted to climb into bed. She breathed out and turned onto her side, facing the other way and closed her eyes. Her muscles ached from the hard labor of that current day and all she wanted was to succumb to the darkness of slumber.

Carl’s snoring stopped beside her and he moved to see her laying beside him. “Hey.” He murmured half asleep and moved to bury his face into her neck, his arm slipping around her waist from behind gently. He was super adorable like this, in his sleepy and cuddly state.

“Hey,” She murmured back to him, cuddling back into his chest and smiled to herself. She hadn’t expected him to wake up as it was late, and dark outside. Normally, Carl slept straight through till morning unless she woke him up from night terrors.

“How was shift?” He murmured, nuzzling her neck from behind as his hands slipped under her shirt and grasped onto her hip, pulling her closer.

She tensed up but soon relaxed, moving her hand onto his arm. “It was alright, but I’m so tired.” She mumbled back.

Nodding, he trailed his fingers along her hips and over the front of her stomach before stopping. He could feel faint bumps on her skin and he frowned slightly as his fingers explored the area. He realised she had tensed up more. “What’s wrong babe?” He whispered.

“You’re touching my uh–… you know, stretch marks.” She said and went to move his hand from her stomach. She was too embarrassed of them. “Please, just, hold my hip or something..”
“Babe, I love you and your stretch marks. They don’t bother me okay? I think they’re beautiful.” He whispered, pecking her neck from behind gently.

“Really? I mean, they aren’t exactly what every woman has and they look-” But she was soon cut off with Carl interrupting.

“Shh, I don’t care what they look like to you, to me they are beautiful. You are beautiful. It’s normal.” His hand returned to the area and he gently stroked them to prove his point. “Plus, it gives me more to hold onto when we’re at it.” He smirked against her neck, which only resulted in a roll of her eyes and a faint chuckle.

“Alright, sleepyhead. Get back to sleep okay? We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.” She whispered and turned to peck his lips.

“Alright, but only if you let me hold you like this for the rest of the night.” He murmured against her two salmon pink, plump lips.

“You have yourself a deal, Mr. Grimes.”

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