thunder storms and log cabins

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WARNING - smut towards the end so youve been warned hoes ;)

"Take that, you asshole." You mutter as you stab the walker in the side of its forehead, watching it fall lifelessly to the ground. You bend over and pull the knife out of its head, immediately turning your body so you can kill the other walker that's currently trying to attack you.

Yeah, the run that you're on today isn't going as planned.

"There's still about a dozen more outside this door, Y/N, we don't stand a chance. We're going to have to escape somehow." Carl yells over at you, using his own knife to get the walker that is in front of him.

"We got this." You yell back, trying to feign enthusiasm. You're not going to die, not today. "The door will hold."

When Rick and Michonne had asked you and Carl to accompany them on the run today, you two were shocked, needless to say. Since you're both only teenagers, Rick rarely allows you to go on runs, despite you and Carl both being mature and skilled enough to fight off walkers like everyone else. Rick had said that this was a "test run," to see if the both of you are able to join the group on more.

It had started out with all of you in the same place, but as you found less and less supplies, Rick wanted to split up. He had sent you and Carl down a few blocks to the next grocery store while he stayed back with Michonne to check out the nearby pharmacy. Everything was going well at first, there were no walkers, and somehow the market had a ton of useful supplies left. You thought you had found heaven.

That was, until, Carl accidentally set off one of the damn alarms. The ringing was loud enough to attract walkers for miles, and not surprisingly, it did. Some had managed to get inside of the store before you locked the main door shut, but because of that, there was no way out beside the windows.

"We can't stay in here," Carl tells you as he finishes off the last walker, the knife sliding out of its skull as he shoves it to the ground. "They won't leave as long as they see us in here."

"The windows." You point to the large, dirty windows that are in the back of the small store you're in. "From the looks of it, it's clear. We could go, just make a run for it. But if Rick and Michonne come and see we're gone..."

"We don't have another choice." Carl shakes his head. "Let's go."

One of the reasons that you and Carl make such a great team is because of how well you bond together. Ever since you two had been introduced back at the farm, you two had clicked instantly. You did everything together, and over the years, you definitely come to consider him your best friend. Not that you really had much of an option before you came to Alexandria, but still. No one can replace Carl, not to you.

You follow Carl over to the windows, watching as he flips the latch up and slides the panel open. The walkers hear this and start making their way to the back of the store, a sign that you two need to hurry the fuck up.

Carl, being the gentleman that he is, makes sure that you go out first. You put your foot on the ledge as you swing your body over the paneling, jumping down onto the ground below you. You make an 'oof' sound as your feet hit the ground before standing up and straightening yourself out. Looking over to your left, you can see the walkers getting closer, and Carl is still not over the paneling yet.

"Fuck, Carl, hurry!" You plead, even though you know it's not going to make a difference.

"Fuck, Y/N, I'm trying!" He rolls his eyes, but you can see that panic is starting to settle in. Just as he's about to jump down onto the ground, one of the walkers reaches the windows, pulling on Carl's legs. His eyes go wide as he tries to shake it off, but between the motions of that and the walker pulling, Carl falls to the ground.

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