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I came to rest in an old house, and after checking it thoroughly for walkers, I went upstairs to bed. It had been a long day, hell, it had been a long day every day for the last 3 years. It wasn’t easy on your own, scavenging and fighting for your life all the damn time. Whenever I did come across people, it was usually big hairy men who thought finding a lonesome teenage girl was the best thing to ever happen to them. I usually get away, but I had been… used… a few times.

I plopped down on the small bed. It was filthy and smelled like sweat and mould, and was itchy as hell. To me though, it felt like heaven -which is probably why I feel asleep instantly, without locking the doors.

I was so exhausted, I slept through most of the day, only to be awoken by groaning coming from downstairs, I immediately jumped up, cursing myself for being so careless. There were at least 3 walkers downstairs, but I managed to fight them off… just.

I ran into some bushes to hide from the small heard that was approaching. I squatted there for a bit, and when I figured it was safe, I jumped up and made a dash for it. Only just making it away with my life.. and a huge gash on my leg.

Life was getting tougher. I wasn’t going to last much longer out here on my own.

Eventually, I ended up here, in this tree. My heart beat eventually slowed down, I tended to my wound, pulling out the bit of wood that I’d cut myself on during my escape attempt, before bandaging it up. Looking around, I realised that I had no idea what I was going to do next. I looked around at the landscape, the sun was setting, casting a golden glow on the barren land. It was almost, peaceful. I relaxed against the tree a little longer, the scene reminding me of happier times.

“C'mon Carl, before your dad realises we’re gone!” I giggled dragging him towards the huge oak tree that I had been staring at from my window ever since we arrived at Woodbury.

“Geez y/n, slow down, it’s just a damn  tree!” Carl rolled his eyes, but jogged to catch up with me.

I ran on ahead of him again, and he tried to catch up until it turned into a full-on race. When we arrived at the tree we were panting and laughing so hard we could barely stand.


“Y/n, no. it’s not happening. Carl huffed from below me.

"Don’t be such a wimp, just start climbing, it’s easier than it looks I swear!” Carl was refusing to climb the tree with me, I was already half way up when I looked down to realise he hasn’t followed. Eventually, after a lot of nagging from me, he shakily began to climb up after me.


“I remember the Simpsons, it was my favourite show!”

“What? Those weird yellow cartoon people? No! I was obsessed with Scooby-doo, now that was a proper show with an intelligent plotline.”

Carl and I were currently in the tree, discussing the things we missed about our old life, our life before the walkers and the scavenging and the crazy people. The sun was setting, casting a golden glow on our surroundings. I sighed as I leant my head on my best friend’s shoulder.

“You know what? I don’t know what I’d do without you y/n.”

“Me neither Carl, me neither.”

That was all a long, long time ago. Since then, I’ve lost everything. Everyone I loved; my family, my friends, Carl. It was my fault really, I just had to sneak out to that stupid tree, even when Carl told me not to. There was a group of men there, bad, bad men. They took me, a scared little 13-year-old. They raped and tortured me for months, until one night, when they were all so drunk they could hardly talk, I saw my chance. I killed them. All of them. They were my first kills.

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