Flirt {Chandler}

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I nervously tugged at my top as I stood behind the stage with the rest of the cast. We were about to go on for a twd panel at ComicCon. I had done panels a million times before but this was the first time I was properly nervous.

The only reason I was so scared was because I noticed I had been getting more attention lately on social media, which worried me because I might be asked more questions than normal. My recent ‘fame’ It was due to the fact that I was beginning to get a bigger part in the show. I had been on The Walking Dead for years, playing Melissa Dixon, Daryl Dixon’s daughter. I had a decently important role, and I loved it.

Now, in season 6, I had lots more screentime due to the fact that I was becoming Carl’s love interest. Chandler was my best friend on set, so naturally, we were both super excited to have more time to work together. Well, I was probably more excited than him because let’s face it, Chandler’s pretty damn cute.

“Ok everybody! Get in line, we’re going to start bringing you on now!” A stressed out lady with a headset yelled at us. She looked exhausted from organising everyone, bless.

'Jesus christ, she needs to calm her tits.“ Chandler whispered to me from his place in line behind me. So much for sympathising with her.

"For fucks sake Riggs, show some compassion to the poor woman, she’s stressed. I mean, she had to deal with your annoying ass all day, so no bloody wonder.”

“Please, you love my ass.” Chandler smirked at me. I rolled my eyes, but let my hair fall in front of my face to hide my blush.

Chan and I had always had a flirty relationship, but it never led anywhere. I didn’t used to mind it, but lately, I’ve found myself blushing harder and laughing longer at his comments than I probably should be, and sometimes, I couldn’t help but wish his flirty behaviour actually meant something.

“Andrew Lincoln! Norman Reedus!” The announcer began announcing our entries, meaning I’d be in front of those lights in no time.

“Try not to act like a top-notch dick out there Riggs, and the love of God, no innuendos!” I warned him, cringing at memories of the previous panels we did together.

“Whatever, I know you love my top notch di-” I didn’t hear the rest of what he had to say, thankfully, because I walking towards the stage, I stood up straighter, plastering my biggest smile onto my face.

“Y/n Y/l/n!”

I took a deep breath, before walking on with all the confidence I could. The cheering from fans amplified as I walked on, waving. I could hardly believe the amount of people cheering me on, it was surreal, I had never gotten this much attention before. I smiled even bigger as I sat down, fear growing inside me at the pressure I now felt.

Chander walked out next, and I laughed as every single teenage girl within a 5-mile radius seemed to begin screaming at the same time.

How did he do it? He looked so relaxed sitting next me, with his winning smile and joyful eyes.

I bit my lip and fumbled with the hem of my top as the questions began. What if I don’t know the answer to a question? What if they think my outfit is stupid? What if-

I gasped slightly, looking down to see Chandler had wrapped his hand around mine under the table. He squeezed it, and I looked up to see him smile at me supportively.

He could read me like a book, of course he was going to figure out I was nervous.

Just then the cast all burst out laughing, in fact, the whole room went crazy. Andrew had just blown.. glitter? At Norman’s face. I realised he must have done it to get back at him for the car-glitter prank.I burst out laughing too, soon enough I had tears forming in my eyes.

Everyone calmed down eventually, and the questions kept coming.

“Um, Hi. My question is for y/n!” I looked up, wide-eyed at the mention of my name, and Chandler squeezed my hand reasuringly.

“Sure, what’s the question sweetie?” I asked, plastering my smile back on.

“Well, just to say that we all saw Carlissa coming for, like 4 seasons. But what do you thnk of having to spend more time on set with Chandler?” I laughed at her question, relaxing.

“Oh god, it’s horrible! Like Chan, I love you, but you’re the most irritating person I know.” I smirked. Everyone burst out laughing as Chandler put a hand over his heart, pretending to look hurt.

“Hey! I’m a delight! I’ve no idea what she’s talking about. She just gets mad because I tickle her all the time.’ Chan poked my side to prove it, causing me to yelp. People went crazy and the cast were laughing at the two of us.

'Honestly, those two bicker all the damn time, it’s like they’re a middle-aged couple.” Andrew butted in, rolling his eyes as the crowd laughed.

“No, no, seriously, I love working with my best friend, its a tonne of fun.” I said as the laughter calmed down.

“Yeah, I guess she’s alright.” the crowd awwed at us, and started chanting something, I was confused, but Chandler laughed. I looked at him questioningly, and he leant over.

“It’s our ship name dummy! Christ y/n, do you go on twitter, like, ever?” he said in my ear. My eyes widened, they shipped us?

I laughed along with the crowd, who only went crazier when Chandler wrapped hs arm around my shoulders. My eyes widened but he ignored it. His arm didn’t budge for the rest of the panel.

The questions continued on, and before I knew it, it was over. I was disappointed, I was actually enjoying it.

I blew kisses to the crowd as I left the stage, laughing at a 'Carlissa’ sign in the front row.

I was standing in the backstage area, gulping down some much-needed water when Chan came up to me. He grabbed my waist from behind, giving me a fright and causing me to nearly spit out my water.

“What the hell Chan! That water could’ve ruined my outfit you asshole.” I huffed.

He rolled his eyes at my whining, his hands remaining firmly around my waist.

“Sorry, geez. I was just coming over to congratulate you on doing so well out there, I could tell you were shitting yourself.” I laughed at his comment, trying not to freak out at our closeness.

“Thanks, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, I actually had a blast.” I smiled, feeling proud of myself.

“You know, I ship us too.” He leant in slightly and smirked.

I rolled my eyes and smirked right back.

“Maybe one day, Riggs. If you’re lucky.” I winked at him, before reaching up on my tiptoes and kissing his cheek. This time is was his turn to blush.

He stuttered for a bit, speechless. I turned to walk away, laughing.

As I left him there, I could hardly hold back the giddy smile on my face.

If you’re lucky Riggs.. If you’re lucky.

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