its always been us

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It was weird at first, Carl hanging around with Enid. You had always thought that it was you two against the world since you met when you were around 11 years old. You had come back with Rick from Atlanta, and since then you two where inseparable. You where always there for each other and always had each others backs, but for some reason it all changed when you got to Alexandria.

You thought it would be perfect, you and Carl would be spending time with each other as normal teenagers, not while battling for survival. And it was like that for a while, but then Enid came around. It was fine in the start, you thought that it was great getting a new friend to hang around that was the same age as you were, you hadnt met anyone since Carl and she seemed sweet when you first met, but she became such a different person when you introduced her to Carl. She tried to do anything to keep you away from them, or she wouldnt let you two be alone. You hadnt been able to hang out with him for weeks, and everytime you tried to just take a normal walk she was there, when you were assigned the same chores she was there because apparently they thought that “it would alot faster if she was there aswell.” Wich you knew was a lie, but Carl didnt see it.

It was another normal day in Alexandria when you spotted Carl sitting on his front porch taking a nap in the shade. You walked up and poked him on the arm, he jolted awake wich made you laugh. He looked confused at you but then also broke into a grin when he saw your joyful face, “you scared the shit out of me Y/N” he said laughing. “I know, im sorry” you said back while grinning, “no you’re not” he said while getting up from his chair. “Aww hunny, what can i do to make it bwetter?” you said with a fake motherly voice. “I actually want to talk with you about something, want to take a walk? It wont be long, promise.” He asked you while looking behind you. “Uhh, sure? Something wrong?” you asked while looking behind you, spotting Enid. “No, no. Lets just go, now.” He said while dragging you by your arm towards the nearby forest, clearly wanting to avoid Enid. “Where are you guys going?” yelled Enid a couple of metres behind. “We’re just taking a walk.” Said Carl while stopping up with an annoyed face and turning around to face Enid, she quickly walked up to the two of you. “Can i come?” she asked completely avoiding your eyes, looking directly at Carl. “Uhh-” you began saying, wanting to tell her that Carl and you were going to have a private talk when she cut you off by saying, “actually, Rick asked for you Y/N. It sounded pretty urgent, you should probably get going.” She said to you gently pushing you in the other direction, making Carl let go of you hand. Carl looked down at Enid with a blank stare as you began walking away to find Rick, thinking about ways to forget about the two of them. “Y/N, wait” you heard Carl call after you, “no, its fine” you said turning around giving him a fake smile. “But-“ “I said its fine!” you said back louder as you continued walking the other way When you were out of eyesight you began hearing loud voices from the both of them, but still not able to completely hear what they were saying, or… yelling at eachother about.

You stopped at a nearby tree and sat down, leaning against it, not in the mood to go and help Rick. You were so tired of Enid, ever since she got here you had not been able to be with Carl- at least not alone.You laid your head back, closed your eyes, and tried to relax when you heard a voice call for you, “Y/N! There you are! I am so sorry” Carl said while sitting down next to you. “I’m sorry that i let her push you away from me.” He said as he looked into your eyes with sorrow, “its okay” you dismissed him, still not completely forgiving him and turned you head away. “No its not, I was too stupid to realize it but it finally clicked.” He told you, “What do you mean ‘it clicked’?” you asked him. “How can Rick ask her to get you when he’s not even here?” he said smiling, laughing even. “I honestly cant belive she thought i was going to be okay with it.” He said looking forward. “Well, what did you want to talk about?” you asked him. “Hm?” he said while looking the other way. “Before? When you dragged me from the porch? You wanted to talk with me. Or was it just to get away from Enid?” you asked him laughing a little. “Well, I-I mean” he stuttered not looking you directly in the eye. “Ooh, is Carl Grimes at a loss for words?” you said jokingly. “haha.. Uhm, this is going to sound really cheesy.” He said looking nervously at you. “Okay?” you said urging him on. “I love you. I’ve loved you ever since we first met when you came back with my dad. And I just wanted you to know that I will always be there to protect you, from anything or anyone.” He said waiting for your answer. You didnt say anything wich made him more nervous so he started talking again, “ I know you probably dont feel the same way, but no matter what, I will always be there. And you know wha-“ he started but was cut off by you crashing your lips into his making him fall onto his back on the grass. You landed on top of him, still not breaking the kiss. He reacted instantly by pulling you tighter to him by snaking his arms around you. Your lips moved in sync and Carl could not be happier. He sat up making you straddle him on the grass. You both broke the kiss to get air and his hand went up to cup your cheeks. He looked from your lips to your eyes and when you both made eye contact you began grinning wich made Carl smile. “I’m not gonna lie, i was a little jealous of you and Enid. I thought you were interested in her.” You said embarassed, looking down. “Enid is nothing compared to you and hey-“ he told while putting a finger under you chin to make eyecontact, “- Its always been us two, remember?“

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