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"No Carl tell me this is a joke" I look up at my boyfriend with tears in my eyes he was currently breaking up with me.  "Carl you can't just love someone for a whole 3 years to just throw it away now" I say letting out the sobs in between "well actually you can and I just did" he said leaving me standing in the middle of Alexandria crying

The next morning I didn't get out of bed at all I stayed in there looking out the window and crying I couldn't stop thinking about last night Carl was my first love and now he threw everything we had away I sigh and lay back down when I heard Maggie calling my name "y/n get up I made breakfast" she says walking into my room she noticed I've been crying and walked over to the side of my bed "y/n what happened she said c-carl broke up with me I said starting to cry again thinking not last night oh honey stay in bed as long as you need she says hugging me thank you i say your welcome she says walking out

A couple hours later I hear a knock on my door thinking it was Maggie and got up to open the door only to see Carl I glare at him and try to  slam the door in his face but he stopped me letting himself in "y/n I am So sorry for what I did to you last night after i did that I went home and cried I knew I made a mistake" he says looking at me with tears in eyes crystal blue eyes "then you should have thought about that Carl" I say getting up "wait y/n please listen to me" he says looking at me hopeful "fine" I say and sit "y/n you were my first love and your amazing and beautiful you my home, my safe place the only reason i did that was because I thought you  deserved better" he says looking down tears dripping from his eyes

I put my finger under his chin and kissed him it was like the first time we kissed ever like fireworks were going off  we pulled from the kiss he smiled at me and hugged me "I love you so much y/n" he whispers in my hair "I love you too Carl" I say


Hey babies please vote

I know tbh this one sucks lol butttt all well

Word count:  444


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