Sunshine in the Dark

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Word of advice, don't play the video above until told to in the chapter. Also this chapter is THIRD PERSON POINT OF VIEW!!!

The six boys ran along side Jimin's unconscious body that was being rushed through the hallways of the hospital. After finding Jimin in the state that he was in, immediately Yoongi called the ambulance and the rest of the boys, explaining everything from Jimin's past to Yoongi leaving him in the room.

Yoongi: "You're okay. Breathe, Jimin. Just breathe. Open your eyes. Come back. It's okay. It's over now. You're okay. Wake up. Please, wake up. Don't do this to me. Don't do this to me. Don't do this to me. I need you so fucking much. Come back."

Tears streamed down all their faces as they watched Jimin being taken into the surgery room and the red light turning on. Namjoon and Hoseok were a mess, blaming themselves for not seeing the pain their best friend was in. Taehyung silently cried into Jungkook's chest, who also had tears staining his cheeks. Although Jin was crying too, he tended to Yoongi, who was currently on the floor, balling his eyes out for being the cause for all of this. Nothing was ever going to be the same if Jimin left them. To Jimin, he didn't have a world. But to all of them, Jimin was their entire world, their entire world that was slowly crumbling in front of them.

Two hours. Two excruciating hours went by until the red light finally turned off and the doctor came outside. Yoongi was the first one up, followed by the rest of the gang.

Doctor: "Which one of you guys are his family?"

All of them looked at each other.

Namjoon: "All of us. We're all his family."

Doctor: "I'm sorry but I need legal family mem-"

Yoongi: "His parents are dead! He has no one expect us so tell us what's going on with Jimin!"

Jin and Jungkook held Yoongi back as he was about to pounce at the doctor, who remained unfazed.

Doctor: "We managed to get his pulse back but, it's weak. He might not make it. I suggest you all go to his room and...say your goodbyes."

They all took off running to Jimin's room, opening the door to see him lying on the bed, with a slow pulse coming from the machine. They surrounded the bed as Yoongi sat next to Jimin, holding his hand close to his chest. No one said a word as they all silently cried, their bodies shaking with every tear that fell.
(Play the video above and then continue reading with the vid on).

You are my sunshine.

The boys looked up, listening to Yoongi softly sing to Jimin.

My only sunshine
You make me happy,
When skies are grey
You'll never know dear,
How much I love you

The monitor began to slow down even more.

Please don't take my sunshine...away....

Yoongi's voice cracked at the last line of the song, listening to the monitor go flat.

Jin fell to the floor as Namjoon hugged him tightly. Hoseok had his arm over his eyes, tears running down his face. Taehyung shoved his face into Jungkook's chest upon hearing the monitor. Yoongi however, stayed silent. Only tears and the flatline were heard throughout the room as the doctor and nurse walked in with their heads low. As they were about to turn the monitor off and put the white blanket over Jimin, Yoongi stopped them.

Yoongi: "Wait! Just wait. Just a few more minutes. Please..."

The doctor sighed and nodded his head, him and the nurse leaving the room. Jin came and wrapped his arms around Yoongi as he began to cry hard, looking at the dead sight of what could have been a beautiful relationship if he didn't screw it up. Yoongi blamed himself. So many thoughts ran through his head as he stared at the lifeless body.

What if he had gotten there earlier? What if he didn't leave Jimin alone? What if he listened to Jimin and heard what he was trying to say? What if...he was the one lying there instead of Jimin? (I'm legit crying and I'm the one writing it!!!)

The tears ran endlessly down his face as guilt began to eat him alive. He got up and walked towards Namjoon and Hoseok, feeling sorry for taking away their childhood friend. Yoongi got on his knees and bowed his head to them, shocking everyone.

Yoongi: "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm- I'm sorry- sorry. I- I- I- sorry."

Yoongi's breathes came out harsh and his sentences jumbled together. He couldn't breathe. Jin and Jungkook went to his side while Namjoon ran outside to get help.

Yoongi gave one last look to the lifeless body on the bed, before his world too, went dark.

Updating from my stupid school!!👌🏼👌🏼Haha, I told you. More angst. This chapter is only about 825 words, not counting the authors note, which is wrong because I strive to make sure my chapter have 1000+ words. However, I have something planned and i thought it would be best if I put it in 2 separate chapters. Don't worry, the next chapter is more happier...I guess??? I'm not sure if i can describe the next chapter with happiness or sadness. But I guess y'all can tell me if it's happy or sad when you read the next chapter, which will probs be out 2moro or so, depends on my schoolings. I have a big project to do right now so I'll have a pretty busy week, but I'll try and update regularly. Thx for reading! Love y'all~~~~🦋🦋💜💜

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