20) Is This a Cult?

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I've never made my books 20 chapters long...am I dragging stuff on??? Also, I realized that the point of view has shifted from first to third...oh well! Also also I'm running out of ideas so this book might end in like 10 more chapters...oops.

        How Yoongi and Jimin got themselves into this situation, they don't know. Currently, they were sitting on the floor, being intensely stared at by the rest of the gang. It had been about a week since Yoongi confessed to Jimin and since he didn't get a reply back yet, the boys didn't want to make a big deal about it. But Jimin's big mouth accidentally spilled the tea to Taehyung who told Jungkook who eventually told Namjoon and Hoseok who in the end told Jin, and of course they all made a big deal out of it and demanded that they meet Yoongi and Jimin and his house to have a group "discussion".

It was silent and Jimin felt like he would burst if he continued to just sit there under their terrifying gazes.

Jimin: I'm going to make some tea.

Jimin began to get up from the floor until Jin spoke up, his voice suddenly ten times lower.

Jin: Sit your ass down before I spank you with my slipper.

Hearing that, Jimin quickly sat back down, and the silence continued. Yoongi was the first to speak.

Yoongi: You know, you guys are acting as if we're all in some big cult and which Jimin and I stole all your money.

Yoongi attempted to crack a joke, trying to lighten up the mood a little. He too was feeling uncomfortable under the boys' stares.

Suddenly, Jin broke down in tears, causing Yoongi and Jimin to panic while the others remained normal.

Jin: My little babies are growing up and dating!

Yoongi and Jimin rolled their eyes while the rest began to give them pats on the backs and voice their happiness.

Namjoon: I always knew they'd get together.

The boys preceded to gossip about Yoongi and Jimin despite them being present. They looked at each other, not even surprised at how the gang was reacting. This was exactly why they didn't want to tell they guys until they were officially dating. Too bad Jimin knew he had to tell them the truth. He cleared his throat, gaining the attention of everyone.

Jimin: Um, I haven't accepted yet.


Hoseok: What do you mean you haven't accepted yet?

Yoongi: It means he hasn't given me an answer...yet.

Jimin punched Yoongi's shoulder, knowing that he was going to make the situation worse.

The boys stared at them for a while before they quickly formed into a huddle, making sure that Yoongi and Jimin couldn't hear them. They soon broke apart, Namjoon and Hoseok dragging their best friend to his bedroom while Jin and Taekook joined Yoongi on the floor. Before Jimin could fully leave the room, he could have sworn his heard Jin say, "Alright, here's the plan."

The door slammed shut as Jimin was thrown on the bed with Namjoon and Hoseok towering over him.

Hoseok: Dude, what's the hold up?

Jimin rubbed his paining wrist that was dragged so harshly by Namjoon, even though he didn't mean to grip so hard.

Jimin: What do you mean?

Hoseok and Namjoon groaned at Jimin's behavior.

Hoseok: I mean why haven't you given a response to Yoongi yet?

Jimin groaned and fell back on his bed, Namjoon and Hoseok joining his side as they lay on their backs, staring at the ceiling.

Namjoon: But really dude, we all know that you love Yoongi. Why won't you admit it?

Hoseok: Do you really not...love him?

Jimin sighed.

Jimin: No, it's not that. I do love him, a lot actually. But I'm afraid things won't work out and it'll end up badly.

Namjoon sat up, his inspirational side coming to surface.

Namjoon: Listen Jimin, this little "fear" you have about things ending badly and your heart getting broken, it's going to hold you back. In reality, you don't know what is going to happen. Things could really go badly for all you know.

Jimin rolled his eyes.

Jimin: Gee, thanks. You're so helpful.

Hoseok: Namjoon means that even though there's a chance things won't work out, there's also a chance that it will. You don't know how life is going to play out. Holding yourself back from love isn't going to make things better.

Namjoon: And Yoongi loves you. Like love loves you. We can see it and I know you can see it too. So stop being so afraid and let go. Love him back.

Jimin went silent. Namjoon and Hoseok were right. There's a chance things won't work. But there's also a chance that they will. He needed this, he needed Yoongi. The whole week, Yoongi's been showering him with love, but he tries not to think about it too much because he knows that he'll eventually give in. And that's what he's going to do. He's finally going to give in.

Jimin quickly crawls out of bed and runs into the living room, Namjoon and Hoseok following behind him. They all look at Jimin, but his eyes are only focused on Yoongi. Giving a big smile, he runs and pushes Yoongi to the floor, hugging him tightly. He spoke loud and clear, making sure everyone heard him.

Jimin: I accept.

Yoongi looks at Jimin, wide eyed.

Jimin: Let's date

I keep having to go back and change "like" to "love". To me, since I'm still kinda young, I don't believe in finding "love" in relationships, not yet at least. If I did have a boyfriend, I'd say that I like him instead of I love him. I believe that I'm still too young to understand the concept of "love" towards a lover. But I forget that Yoongi and Jimin are kinda older in this fanfic so they are more mature and can understand love better. ANYWAYs, excuse my little preach. I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter, the next one will be better. I promise! Yoongi will officially take Jimin on a proper date, one that requires a lot of detail and most likely 2 full chapters. Love y'all🦋💜🦋

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