Not You

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That was so good!!! ^^^

I woke up to a warm sensation surrounding my body, making me open my eyes slightly, to realize that I was still in Yoongi's arms. My eyes widened as I tried to reach for my phone to check what time it was.


Jimin: "Oh shi- AHHH!"

I sat up too quickly and ended up falling off the couch due to the lack of space to move. Yoongi woke up with a startle and then began to laugh at me for falling off the couch. If it wasn't because of the fact that we were going to be late to school, I would have gushed over how sexy his morning voice sounds like. I quickly got up, running around trying to find my belongings.

Jimin: "YOONGI, STOP LAUGHING! We're going to be fucking late! School starts at 8:15!!!

Yoongi groaned and fell back on the couch, shutting his eyes.

Yoongi: "Let's just skip. I don't like school anyways."

I scoffed at him, struggling to tie my shoelaces.

Jimin: "Well, I don't like it either but I value my education so I'm going to school with or without you."

I opened the front door, giving Yoongi one last look, before sprinting out to hopefully get to school before the bell rang. But if I knew what was to come at school, I wouldn't have tired so hard to get there...

Let's just say that as soon as I stepped into the school building, the bell rang. By then, I was a sweaty mess and since I was already late, I took my time to get to my class.

About five minutes had passed while I wondered the halls for a bit before I actually made it to my class. I opened the door and walked inside with a blank face and immediately I got a yelling from my teacher.


I sighed and shoved my hands into my pocket, not quite paying attention to his lecture. After some time, he stopped yelling at me and directed his attention to the class.

Mr. Choi: "Because you were late, you didn't get to greet our new student. Please stand up, Mark Tuan. (OMG MARK IS MY BIAS FROM GOT7 BUT IM SORRY TO DO THIS TO U MARK!!!)

My body froze at the sound of that name. I slowly turned my head to see the face of the name, hoping that he wasn't the same person. But to my horror, I found myself frozen with fear as Mark stared at me with a smirk on his face. Murmurs were heard throughout the class after looking at my frozen state. Memories and voices ran through my mind, making my head pound.

"Hey, it's going to be alright."

"I love you, Jimin baby."

"Ah, you thought I loved you?"

"Suck my cock with that ugly mouth of yours, slut."

"You're nothing but a object that I use for pleasure."

(I'm sorry to make Mark the bad guy but just know that I love him so much and this isn't how I see him in real life. This is only for this story!!)

I quickly left the room, ignoring the yells of my teacher behind me, and ran to the rooftop, trying to find some relief from the suffocating feeling. Some many things were running through my mind as I fell to the ground, holding my head in my hands as tears streamed down my face. I tried to calm myself down.

Jimin: "It's okay, Jimin. Calm down. He isn't here for you. Don't worry, everything will be okay. Just avoid him. It's o-"

The sound of the door opening silenced my frantic speaking. I was hoping that it was just some random student who wanted to come for a quick smoke and would leave after seeing me there. But of course, nothing goes the way I want it.

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