Chapter 7

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I was right. About 10 minutes after I had killed the generator and there was movement outside. Michael crept over to the edge of window, watching as two figures glided over the water. I peered out the window closest to me, watching as their wings gracefully moved, keeping them just above the surface of the lake. I'd never seen anything like it. The water was rippling from the wind as they took off, going up into the sky and disappearing. They must have been checking out the dead body I had found earlier.

"How did you know?" Michael asked, letting out a breath he'd been holding. I slowly removed myself from the window frame, my hands clenched tight on the wood.

"The birds know when somethings off in their environment. If they're quiet then you need to be quiet," I answered.

"Why are they still chirping then when I'm here? Why just the other angels?" Michael asked.

"You said you stayed here before? They probably got used to you, and you also don't show your wings, so there is nothing dangerous about you really. The other angels are a threat to the birds becuase they can fly and the birds don't know if they're a predator or not. You are not because you haven't flown around them before," I explained. I kicked the generator back on as Michael just sat, staring out of the window slit. I wondered if he knew the other angels. I didn't ask.

"In an hour I'm going hunting. If I'm not back before it's dark just assume I'm dead," I informed him, grabbing my rifle and pistol. He looked over at me, brows furrowed.

"Why are you going hunting?" Michael asked.

"We're running low on deer meat, and I don't want to start eating the canned food until we have to," was all I said before going outside. I sat in the quiet for a while, soaking in the sunlight. Blue decided to stay inside, and I decided to leave him behind when I finally went out hunting. I traveled along the shoreline of the lake before climbing a tree and settling down.

It was hours of patient waiting before a deer came by. A beautiful doe grazing. I watched her wonder over to the lake and take a few sips. Taking aim, I lined up the sights before pulling the trigger. It was a perfect shot, and she went down immediately. No suffering. I walk over to the deer and test the weight, seeing if I had to pull the Tahoe around.

The doe was on the smaller side, as winter was coming and there was less and less food, and I decided that I could carry the deer back myself. I slung the deer on my back and trudged back to the cabin. Outside I cleaned and packaged up the meat in plastic bags from inside before bringing them in and putting all but one bag in the freezer.

Michael was watching me the entire time, I could feel his eyes on me. "How do you know how to do that?" He asked, eyebrows raised. He looked mildly disgusted and I guessed that he also watched me clean the deer.

"I used to hunt with my father," I replied. I began cooking the slices of seasoned meat on a pan, the aroma bringing Blue to my feet. I drop a piece of meat on the ground for him and he snatched it away. I heard Michael laugh a little and I turned, looking at him. I looked away when he caught me staring, turning my focus back on the sizzling pan.

Once finished, I packed most of away and into the fridge, only eating a piece. I left one out for Michael on a plate then headed into the bedroom to get away from his gaze. I could feel his eyes following me as I refused to look at him. Maybe if I ignored him, he'd go away.

Blue stayed out with Michael and I could hear him playing around with the dog. I was a bit jealous. The one friend I'd found and the angel was stealing him. I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes, falling into a restless sleep. 


Sorry this took so long to upload, and also sorry that I'm uploading it so late! I've been very busy with school work, and this upcoming week I will probably only update every other day, though if I can I'll update more. Thank you for reading and let me know what you think!

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