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As Ren woke up the next day it was to his mother screaming about the uniform for his school. He rolled over and pulled the blanket farther up, ignoring the loud screeches about how 'Handsome' and 'charming' Ren will look in the uniform. His mother finally got fed up and yanked the blanket's off him harshly.

"Get up! You have school in t-minus one hour!" Ren sat up and groaned groggily as he stood. A yawn slipped past his lips as he walked into the bathroom, quickly stripping and popping into the shower. 


When he got out of the shower he checked his calendar and smiled softly at the up-coming date. His surgery. On the calendar read, in small print, 'bust reduction, 2:30' on the 12th of that month. He smiled softly before grabbing his clothing articles and slipping into his boxers, along with his socks and chest binder. He stretched and cracked his back before pulling his pants up and over his hips.

Lastly, he tucked his shirt into his pants after buttoning it. Checking the time he walked downstairs to see his mother and father off to work, he waved to them before eating his breakfast in record time. Considering he only had about twenty minutes before school started and the school was a fifteen-minute drive from his house.

He smiled and walked out of the house and slid into the awaiting vehicle. The driver greeted him with a bow and closed the door after the short male had sat down.

"School please, Charles..." The man nodded before starting on their way to the private academy called 'Ouran'. A smile slipped onto his lips as the limo lurched to a stop a moment later, he stepped out and immediately attracted the surrounding girls.

"Hi! Are you new here?"

"Do you need help?"

"You're really handsome!!" 

The last comment made his mind go blank, he started thinking as he responded with an 'I'm fine but thank you'.

'The population of girls at this school is thick. And not like THICK, but mentally thick. Dense as shit..." He gave them a smile before walking into the administrator's office, having knocked softly a short 'Come in' was heard. He straightened himself out and walked in.

"Hello! You must be Magi Ren! Yes?" Ren nodded and bowed slightly, then straightened.

"Yes, sir, I am"

"Your mother told me about your circumstances and I have agreed to let you use the boy's bathrooms, and you may wear the boys uniform." Ren smiled softly as he nodded.

"If you want you can join any male sports team." Ren smiled slightly and nodded again, Mr. Suoh handed him his schedule for classes. He took ahold of it and bid the man farewell for the time being. He skimmed over the paper in his hand before walking toward the third-year hall, he firmly knocked on the wooden door, only for it a man to call out a moment later.

"Come in!" Ren entered the room and stood at the front of the class, the teacher didn't look at who entered before speaking.

"And why are you later this time Kaito?" Ren smiled slightly before speaking up.

"Well, considering my name isn't 'Kaito' and this is my first day in school, I don't think you know me, Sir." He said calmly, the teacher spun around in embarrassment and chuckled.

"Ah, sorry, Magi... Magi Ren, correct?" Ren nodded with a smile on his lips, the girls swooned while the guys looked him over, try to see any physical flaws. Ren turned to the class after writing his name out in chalk.

"Hello, Magi Ren, a pleasure to meet you all, I hope we have a nice year together." He gave a half smile as he stood up straight. The teacher directed him to a seat in the middle next to a tall boy with black hair and steel colored eyes. Ren took his seat and smiled at the boys next to him.


As the day progressed Ren was getting more restless, his binder was getting a bit uncomfortable and he forgot to grab an extra. He couldn't risk going to fix it in the bathroom. 

So when lunch rolled around Ren was out of the class in under a minute. He speed walked down the halls and came upon a music room.

'They usually are empty around lunch... Right?' He nodded adn opened the doors, he stopped at the bright light and petals that hit his face and hair.


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