Meeting Them

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Ren stopped and looked at the group, blinking slowly, then started thinking.

'I think I'll take my chances...'

"Sorry... To disturb... I think I have the wrong classroom... I'll be going now, have a nice day..." Ren bowed slightly before turning around and was about to leave when two sets of arms wrapped around his mid-section, he froze up slightly.

"No no no~~ You can't leave until boss figures out what he's gonna do with you~," The twin on the left said teasingly.

"Please let go of me..." He said softly while trying to wiggle out of their grasp. They let go of him only for him to catch himself and quickly leave the room.

"MOMMY!! Who was the boy!?" Tamaki yelled out in demand, Kyouya was quick to pull up his list of new students. Sadly, Honey took his spotlight.

"That was Magi Ren! He's in Takashi and mine's class! He's really nice but doesn't talk much," Kyouya was quick to look the boy up and came up puzzled, the surrounding group where talking about the boy while Kyouya closed his laptop.

'Magi Ren isn't a person... And the Magi family only had one child, Reiko Magi, a daughter. So who the hell is Ren Magi..?' He shook off the weird feeling and talked with the group casually, Mori had caught his puzzled look and was a bit confused, not may things puzzle their friendly 'stalker'.


As the host's where wondering about the strange boy, Ren was frantically trying to find a place to fix his binder, he slowly walked into the bathroom and pushed open the last stall, he took his clothes off and unrolled his binder slowly, he adjusted it and fixed it up. Smiling at the work he had done he thought he was in the clear to leave the stall and fix his shirt back up in a bigger area.

But luck wasn't on his side, the bathroom door opened and shut soon after, Ren's breath hitched in his throat as he tried to button the shirt up in the small stall he was in. When the stall next to him opened and closed, followed by a soft 'click' of the lock, Ren slipped out and fixed his shirt before throwing his blazer on, he washed his hands and left quickly.

'Close call...'

His thoughts clouded over as he made his way back to his classroom, he shrugged off the odd feeling of being watched as he entered to room and took his seat. He took out his pad of paper and pencil and started sketching out a little drawing.

As he was finishing up the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. Ren started to put his things away when the small blonde from his class walked over to him.

"Hi, Ren-kun! I'm Mitsukuni! But you can call me Honey!" He exclaimed happily, Ren smiled softly. He nodded and introduced himself to the small boy and the one that stood next to him.

"Ren, a pleasure to meet you..." Honey started going on about sweets until the second bell rang, sending a smile to Ren's lips.

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