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I could hear others whispering better after losing my speech. I didn't like it. It was nothing but gossip about others and the occasional rumor, even my own. "I can't believe he walks around like that." "Right? Such an attention seeker." I wanted to confront them, but I felt that it would only add fuel to the fire. Jacob said he would take care of it, but it only seemed to have gotten worse. I spotted Sunwoo talking to a few others and we made eye contact. He waved then turned around and left. "What was that...homeroom isn't until another 10 minutes." I decided to go talk to Jacob about the rumors.

"Ah, I tried. I really did. No one seemed to believe me." I wrote down my thoughts. "An angel? Does everyone really view me as such?" I nodded then sighed. It didn't make sense that no one would believe him. Everyone always did. "Thanks, Juyeon." I snapped my head in the direction of the voice and saw Haknyeon smiling up at Juyeon. I couldn't help but stare at his pure smile. I wanted to be able to make him smile everyday. I got up from the seat and headed over to him, forgetting about Jacob.

"Hyunjoon? What are you doing here?" I couldn't tell if he was upset or just questioning, but neither sat well with me. "I was talking to Jacob and then I heard your voice." "Is that so. Well, I need to prepare for my classes. You should do the same." He didn't sound happy with my presence. My heart ached. What did I do wrong? Why is he being distant? I wanted to ask, but Juyeon had led me away from him and out the room. "I think you should leave him be. He's not agreeable in this state."

"Why? Well, I don't know, Hyunjoon. He suddenly called me in tears and I couldn't make out what he was saying. And then I met up with him today and it's like that call never happened." I replayed Juyeon's words in my mind as I sat in class. When did the call take place? Was I related to it? I hoped I wasn't as I didn't know what could possibly get him to like me again. The bell rang but I remained seated as I didn't know what to do. Do I go home? Go talk to Jacob? Sunwoo? Haknyeon? It made sense to go talk Sunwoo as we didn't get to earlier. The question was, where was he now? I waited for him to text me back, but it seemed like I wouldn't get one.

I exited the building and saw him talking to a girl off to the side. She soon walked away in high spirits and a few other guys soon walked up behind Sunwoo and gave him pats on the back. We made eye contact again, but this time he smirked then walked away with the others who briefly gave me weird looks. I didn't want to jump to conclusions, but I figured doing so this one time wouldn't hurt. Sunwoo is deserting me.

I sent Jacob a text as I rested my head on my desk. "Sunwoo did that? That's not like him. I'll talk to him about it." I felt sad. Sunwoo was my oldest and closest friend. I thought we knew each other better than this. Did he really start disliking me? Did I do something that upset him? This was a time where I needed friends, not lose them. My eyes widened in surprise at Sunwoo's name appearing on my screen. "Jacob NG? What..." He didn't respond back and caused me to worry more. I needed to vent, but to who?

"Hello?" "Haknyeon. I couldn't think of anyone else but you to talk to." "Oh, Hyunjoon." He sounded displeased with me having called him. "My friends are acting weird and I don't know what to do nor how to confront them." I heard shuffling on the other side then received a surprising question.

I sat in the doorway and constantly looked down the hall. I heard the elevator open and saw Haknyeon step out. I found it hard to breathe and started sweating. I keeled over and felt unconsciousness starting to settle in. "Hyunjoon!? Hyunjoon!?" I felt myself being picked up and being dragged somewhere. "...with me!" I couldn't stay conscious much longer and passed out.

My eyes fluttered opened and I felt heavy. I looked and saw I was in my mom's bed nicely tucked in. It then dawned on me. "Haknyeon!" I sat up then felt gentle hands push me back down. "You're awake." I looked over and saw Haknyeon stifling a yawn while looking down at me with a worried face. "What happened...?" I pointed to my phone and he handed it to me. "Trauma." "Trauma...? What happened..." I found myself typing out the entire story then felt a few tears roll down my face as I remembered. He wiped them away then hugged me. "I'm sorry I made you remember something so terrible..."

His hug was soft and full of love and comfort. I never wanted him to let go. "Is there anything else you want to vent...? I can listen." He placed his hand on top of mine and remained silent. I spilled everything and I meant everything, except my feelings for him. I couldn't risk saying that. "Wow...I hope everything is okay between you three. You seemed like the best of friends." "People really do change, Haknyeon, and not necessarily for the better either."

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