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As promised, people had talked less about me and I was relieved with that. However, I had stopped short as they all each had a pair of scissors. "Hyunjoon?" "Run. Don't ask why, just do it." I was thankful that he listened and watched as Juyeon had appeared and noticed him running. "Smart idea. Now we don't have to hold back." "This shouldn't even be allowed. What are you going to do?" "If you play nice, we'll cut your hair. If you struggle, we can't guarantee that'll be the only thing." They weren't you average safety scissors either. No one seemed to care about my current predicament and I started worrying for my life.

"Come on, we'll give you a nice do." "Hey, what are you four doing with those scissors?" We looked and saw a teacher approaching us. "Give me those." He snatched the scissors out of their hands then glared at them. "We don't use scissors outside of class. Now hurry up and get to where you need to be." They sucked their teeth then left. He turned towards me then shook his head "You sad thing." He walked away without another word.

"Bro, why were you late? Oh, I see." I sighed then wished I was out of class already. I didn't want to be here any longer than necessary.


I found myself on the run again as they tried making me drink something questionable. I slowed to a stop as I saw Haknyeon up ahead. "Oh no..." I tried sneaking past him but he suddenly turned around and headed in my direction. "Just the person I wanted to see." "Now's not-" "There he is." I tried running away, but Haknyeon held onto me firmly.

"Oh, Haknyeon. You hang out with that loser?" "Said loser happens to be my boyfriend." They looked genuinely surprised and it hurt. "Him? I'd even be a better pick." "He's a good guy. He never did anything to intentionally hurt you all. I may not have been able to see his actions, but I know enough from his tone of voice." They were quiet as they looked amongst themselves. "Well...if you really believe so..." They tossed out the questionable liquids then left.

"Who knew you had such power?" "At first I didn't. I was picked on too, but I showed them who's boss." "Eh? How?" "By showing them my good sides and that I was just as capable as they are." He made it seem so simple. Was it really that simple? "Come on, I want to treat you today." "Why?" "Just because." He held out his hand and I happily took it. He did more than make me happy, he made me a better person that day.

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