Chapter 22

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When Riku got home, he tried to take his mind off Sora and about his situation. His face was so sad, and what made it worse was that he cried. Maybe his relationship with his parents wasn't as perfect as Riku had thought. Roxas had gone back to his house, leaving Riku alone again. He had apologized, but he understood that he couldn't leave his dad alone.

"Of course," he muttered, rolling to his side. "No one is perfect."

Right, no one is, but to Riku, and probably to everyone else, Sora just looked like he was perfect in every way. Rich, good looking, nice to those he liked, good relationship with his parents, and a good student.

Riku frowned, and hugged his pillow to his chest. His thoughts went to his own parents. He missed his mom so much. The image of his lifeless mother on the cold tile floor was still as fresh in his mind as when he saw her. His father covered his eyes quickly, but Riku still saw enough for it to be etched to his mind. His father tried to keep him from looking while he tried to talk past his small sobs to the police.

His dad...

His dad buried himself in work after that. Riku was still young, and wanted to spend time with his only parent now. While he did play with him sometimes, he was mostly working. Gradually, Riku lost interest in everything. Roxas, who didn't have much time of knowing him, couldn't understand but tried to bring back the fun loving Riku.

It was hard to grow up without a mom, and a workaholic dad. Maybe that's why he thought everyone lead a perfect life, especially Sora. He never stopped to consider the problems of others. Since Roxas and Riku grew up together, they felt like many things were wrong with in their life but always pointed out the good in the other's life.

When Riku was old enough, he decided to move out. Riku moved to a house near Roxas', and it's the one he's in right now.

Riku sighed, and reached for his phone. The bright screen hurt his eyes, and he closed them as they adjusted to the light. When they did, he looked through his contacts. He found his dad's number, and stopped.

"I wonder if you miss me," Riku whispered, going to the messages. "Last time you called or messaged was so long ago."

With a long and sad sigh, he sat up. He threw his phone next to him, and reached down under his bed. He brought a box, and opened it. He had many drawings from when he was little, and a notebook. That notebook held letters to his mother. He stopped writing in it after a while, but opening it and thinking about her made him want to write something to her.

So with that thought in mind, he picked up the pencil and went to a new blank page. He stared at it for a while, and put the pencil on the paper.

"Mom, it's been a while. I thought I could finally let you go but I was wrong. Of course, I would never forget you. I miss you, I really wish you were here.

Dad hasn't called or anything. Do you think he blames me for what happened? I mean, if I hadn't gone and asked for ice cream, maybe we could've stayed and helped you...

Mom, what would you say if I had told you I like guys? I'm sure you'd still accept me and wouldn't treat me any different.

I like this guy. His name is Sora Akishima, but he's a jerk. Even so, I don't know why I fell for him. He's just so mysterious, and now I see that deep down he's a good person. You always talked about soulmates, and how everyone has one. You said I would know when I met mine. If he is, then why is he leaving? Why is someone important leaving me again? Have I done something wrong? Roxas never left my side, and neither has Xion nor Axel, but I'm sure they will leave eventually...this is exactly why I refuse to believe in soulmates...


Mom, why did you leave?"

Riku's vision blurred, and felt something wet fall on his hands. He blinked, and more fell on his hands and the paper. He reached up, and felt his cheeks wet. He quickly wiped the tears away, shutting the notebook close. He threw it into the box, and slid it under his bed again.

He laid back, and put his hands over his eyes. He clenched his teeth to stop himself from making any sounds.


Why did Sora have such a big effect on him like this? They hadn't spend much time together, but it hurt to see him so sad. It hurt to see him go. Roxas said he would move out once he finished school, Xion was gone now. Axel would most likey leave as well. His dad barely talked to him, but he always lied to everyone.

"I hate this!"

Riku sat up, clenching his sheets in his fists. He glanced to the side, and saw the bags he had left on the bed next to him. He reached for them, and opened it. Inside was the plush he had bought, and in the others were his games.

Riku took out a hair tie, and tied up his hair. He grabbed the games and opened them. He took the plush and sat on the floor. He played the games for a while, before going to do some of his homework. When he was done, he ate a bit and went to take a quick shower before brushing his teeth.

He laid on his bed, unable to sleep. Riku just glared at the ceiling, as if it was its fault. He turned in his bed, trying to sleep. He wasn't looking forward to going to school, but he had to. Just as he was falling asleep, he got a message.

With a groan, he checked it. It was from Axel, who seemed to be upset. Riku smiled, despite being angry at being woken up.

"Please tell Sora that I'm sorry. I really am. I don't want to be mad at him just as he's leaving. He seemed to sad, I don't want anyone to feel that way. So please, if you see him, tell him that. Sorry about texting you right now. Goodnight."

Riku chuckled, and sent a short quick message.

"Will do. Goodnight."

He turned off his phone, and laid back. He yawned, and turned the other way, staring at the wall for a few minutes before falling asleep.

A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. This is basically just me trying to fill the rest of Riku's day. Also, it gives you a small part of his past with his mom and dad. Anyway, sorry about that if it's something unnecessary.

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