Chapter 36

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"Fuck off!"

Sora tried to push him away, but the other guy managed to grab his arms. Sora stuggled against him, but was pulled up from his seat and slammed against the wall.

Where were the rest of the students and teacher?

"Heh, everyone is out on the courtyard for some announment," he told Sora, as if reading his mind. "No one's in here at the moment."

"You know, Aiden, you're a real fucking jerk," Sora spat, still struggling against his hold, "I hope you get what you deserve soon."

"Aren't you sweet, acting all innocent all the time," Aiden sneered, his face inching closer to Sora again, tightening his hold on his wrists with his nails digging into Sora's soft skin. "You're just a damn slut. I've seen how close people get to you, and you don't stop it, touching you here and there."

"What are you talking about?!" Sora growled, kicking him in the leg near his knee, missing his intended stop. "I push 'em back! You blind or something?! I already have someone I like, and they're not here! What does it matter to you anyway?!"

"I'm not, but it's just a light push," Aiden answered, and turned him around to hold him tightly from behind. "It pisses me off!"

Sora thrashed in his arms, growing beyond angry, and more importantly, he was getting scared. Aiden was an idiot, but not to the point of holding someone down like this when he knew the consequences. So why?

"Let me go now, or I will make sure you suffer," Sora threatened him, gritting his teeth.

Sora hit the window next to them as hard as he could. "Let me go! Someone, help me, dammit!"

Aiden narrowed his eyes when he did that, and covered his mouth when he saw students turn while he moved away. Sora took this opportunity, and bit his hand hard enough to break the skin and make him bleed. Aiden snatched his hand back, and took a few steps backwards. Sora turned immediately, and kicked him hard in between his legs.

Aiden let out a small cry, and bent down. Sora wasn't done, he was most definetly not done. He kicked his stomach as well, and any other place Sora could hit, several times might I add. He tried to hit him as much as he could with Aiden's hand covering his body. Aiden let out ragged breaths, and looked up to meet Sora's eyes. They held a murderous look, the dark blue color only adding to that effect.

"Touch me again," Sora said in a low, dangerous tone, "and I'll kill you. Don't you ever try to touch Sophia again either."

With that, Sora pushed him out of the way, making the scared teenager fall to the floor. He scurried up, and watched as he glared at Daniel and told him to let Sophia go. He quickly did so, having seen what happed to Aiden.

Sora let out an angry huff, and gently took Sophia's hand to go somewhere where there were no people. He really needed to calm down. The adrenaline was starting to go away, and now he felt the pain in his wrists, arms, and back. Sophia glanced down, and saw the red marks.

"A-are you okay?" she asked in a tiny voice.

If she was honest, Sora had looked so terrifying. Nothing like the sweet and cheery boy she saw the first day of school. Sora shook his head, and lifted the hand what wasn't holding Sophia's. He was shaking, and it was clear to Sophia that he wasn't fine despite him being so scary before.

"We should go sit down somewhere," she told him gently, "and also go report that. Aiden can't go without punishment."

"I'm fine," was the short, almost inaudiable answer. "I don't think he will do anything again. Aiden is stupid, and takes everything seriously. My threat to him was more than real in his mind, even if it isn't."


"If he dares to even touch my hand again, or you, I will report him," Sora turned to her, in his eyes he had a look that told her he was being serious and not lying to make her happy. "Trust me."

Sophia sighed, and nodded. "Alright, fine."

Sora smiled. "Thanks."

"... I didn't know you cursed," Sophia whispered to change the topic, recalling the strong words Sora used.

Sora let out a long sigh, and shook his head. "I don't. But that just came out. I was scared, Sophia. Understand."

"Yeah, I get it."

They sat down on the staircase leading outside so they could sneek out before the announcement was over. Sora clenched his hand over the other, nibbling on his bottom lip. He looked a bit out of it, but it was understandable. He was being pinned down against his will, and hurt by the pressure on his small frail looking body.

Maybe that's why Aiden did that. Sora had looked so vulnerable sleeping, and Sophia wasn't going to lie, Sora was really cute. Adorable. She wished she would meet a guy just as amazing as him one day. Even though Sophia knew he looked weak at times, she was in no way justifying Aiden's actions. She just couldn't understand anything.

She jumped when she felt something on her shoulder. She turned, and saw Sora's soft brown locks of hair. Sora was shaking, and Sophia noticed the small sobs coming from him.

"Why do bad things always happen to me?" he whispered softly. "I'm so weak. I'm sorry I dragged you into problems. All you wanted to do was help me, you just met me and I'm already hurting you."

"Stop that."

Sora looked at her, and saw the stern gaze. It made Sora feel worse.

"You're not at fault for anything, at all," she told him, then she noticed the marks Aiden's nails left.

They were red, and Sophia was sure they were bleeding a little. Sophia looked in her small purse she always carried, and took out a few bandaids and alcohol wipes. Sora gave her a weird look to which she only shrugged.

"Hey, I'm clumsy. I have to have these just in case I trip over think air," she told him, and Sora had to stop himself from laughing.

She noticed but didn't say anything as she helped him. Sora took the bright colored bandaids, and put them on.

"Why colorful ones?" Sora asked when he was done.

"Why not colorful ones?"


"I share with my little sister, and we both love those," Sophia said with a giggle. "Anyway, we have a pending topic."

"We do?"

"About your friends. Especially that Riku guy."

Apparently, that was the right topic. She was happy to see the bright shine in his eyes when they were mentioned, especially Riku's name.

They were staying only for about ten minutes, since they had no idea when the assembly was over. Hopefully it didn't end in less than ten minutes.

"Riku is...amazing."

Somewhere, far away, a certain silver haired teen sneezed.

"Oh~ Someone's talking about Riku~ Oh! Could it be his dearest Sora?~"

"Shut up!"

A loud smack was heard, followed by a loud cry of pain and yelling. That would leave a red mark on his arm.

A/N: I don't know how well I did or how I'm doing but thank you so much for still reading. ^_^

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