Chapter 46

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"Bye! And good luck!"

Sora nodded, smiling shyly as he waved. He walked out of the store with a lot of bags full of stuffed animals and anything else from other stores the girl had suggested. He was embarrased, but most people didn't even look his way.

Sora walked back home, trying to balance everything. He walked inside, and was embarrassed from the looks he got.

"I-I can explain," Sora stuttered, shutting the door behind him with his foot.

His father sighed, and his mother went back to writing something down.

"I thought it was a girl, but I doubt it."

"Excuse me?" Sora narrowed his eyes, and put everything down. "You know I'm bi, which means you know, two. So it includes the same sex."

"No, I didn't mean it in a bad way," his dad immediately spoke up, waving his hands in front of hthe in defense. "I was just saying. You can love whoever you want. As long as your happy."

"Sorry," Sora said sheepishly, and put his hands behind his back and balanced back and forth. "I got defensive."

"Yes, I understand. It was my fault for phrasing it wrong," his dad told him with a small smile. "Anyway, who's it for? Is it that guy from before, Riku?"


"Well, he just came by to say he would wait for you in the park. He said that the place you would meet was too crowded," his dad said, eyes sparkling. "We put you through a lot. Go ahead, and have fun like a normal teenager. Don't stress too much."

"Wow. You changed. You're not mean anymore," Sora blurted out, then covered his mouth with a blush. "I-I'm sorry!"

"He did. It's strange to me too," his mother spoke up, laughing. "Oh, and we have another surprise for when you come back."

"Yeah? What is it?"

His mother clicked her tongue as a scolding. "If I told you, then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore. But your dad fixed his mistake so you should be happy."

"I'm confused."

"Just wait, and see."


Suddenly, Sora's phone rang, starting all three. He looked at the name before the text, and grinned from ear to ear.

"Um...Mom? Dad? Can I-"


Sora nodded excitedly, and grabbed his stuff and ran out. He tried to calm his nerves, gripping the bags tightly. He hadn't had much reaction before, but it was one hell of a shock to see Riku wearing a freakin skirt.

A guy like him shouldn't be in dresses, Sora thought with a small soft laugh.

When he made it to the park, he didn't see Riku. He took out his phone, and called him. After a few rings, he picked up but seemed to be in a bit of panic.

"Axel! Get them before they fly away!"

"Dammit! Why did you let them go?!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Riku, Axel. I gotta go."

"Bye! Axel! Get them! I didn't waste 2-"

"You're on the phone idiot, don't say the price!"

"Oh shoot. You're right. Hello?"

Sora only laughed, and went to sit on a bench. He put the stuff down next to him, and crossed his legs to sit ontop of the bench. He saw little kids playing, and smiled softly. He remembered when he was little, and had nothing to worry about.

"Hey. You seem busy," Sora finally answered, still looking around. "Where are you?"

"I'm on my way. We had a little accident, but we're here. I'm just trying to get organized."

"We're ready."

"Okay. Wait for us, Sora. I'll be right over."

"Yeah. I'll be here," Sora told him, then hung up. "I hope this goes well..."

After a few minutes, someone from behind quickly and quietly covered his eyes, scaring the lights out of Sora. He jumped up, to see Axel laughing so hard tears were starting to form in his eyes.

"That's not funny!" Sora fumed, crossing his arms, face bright red. "I hate you."

"S-sorry," Axel said, waving his hand while rubbing his eyes, which made Sora wonder if he really was. "Riku told me to tell you that he's coming but you need to cover your eyes."

The redhead looked through his pocket, and brought out a blindfold. Sora took it hesitantly, then saw the blue letters that spelled Riku's name.

"Why does it have his name?" Sora asked suddenly in confusion, then shook his head. "Nevermind. Forget it."

"It's nothing bad," Axel answered anyway, and shrugged after putting his hands inside his pockets. "Riku just had really bad allergies one time to the point where his eyes were always watery. So Kai, Roxas, and me got that for him as a joke. He never wore it."


"Yeah. Now put that on, I'll go tell Riku."

With that, the redhead started walking away, whistling like he had no care at all. Sora rolled his eyes, and sat down. Just as he was about to tie the blindfold over his eyes, he saw two kids, a girl and a boy, holding hands shyly approach him. They sat next to him, holding hands. They looked very alike, so Sora assumed they were twins, if not then definetly siblings.


Sora turned, and smiled.


"I-I wanted to ask if you saw a toy train here."

Sora shook his head, and their faces fell. The boy bit his lip, looking like he was about to cry. The girl tightened her hold on his hand.

"If you see it, tell us. My dad made it for us," the boy told him with wide eyes, his lip quivering.

Sora nodded, and ruffled his hair. "I will if I see it, don't worry."

"You have a ring!" the girl exclaimed, and grinned. "Are you married?"

"N-No!" Sora laughed, blushing a deep red. "Not yet?"

She giggled, and nodded. "Okay."

She heard a sound, and turned. Sora put the blindfold on, and waited for Riku to come.

"Ooh! Pretty!"

Sora sat still, not liking that he couldn't see anything. He heard a few footsteps in front of him, and tensed. He felt a hand ruffle his hair, and he let out a small yelp. He heard the othet chuckle, and sighed in relief and annoyance.

"Riku, you're stupid."

"And you're cute."

"Can I take this off now?" Sora asked, reffering to the fabric covering his eyes.


Sora slowly took off the blindfold, and gasped at the sight. Riku stood awkwardly, and started fidgeting. He tugged at his shirt, suddenly feeling very undressed. Yeah, it was just meeting with Sora, but just wearing a plain sweater and a tshirt with jeans seemed out of place. Even more with Sora's fancy and extra fashion.

"Riku, I-"

"Is he your boyfriend?"

Riku jumped, and turned to the kids, and blushed deeply. He cleared his throat and looked away. His turquoise eyes looked anywhere but them. (H: I still don't know his eye color. It keeps changing. lol) They both pointed to the ring in Riku's hand.

"See? It's the same," they said.

"Well, no. I-"

"That's what I wanted to ask. Will you be my boyfriend?"

A/N: Oof. It feel like it's going a bit fast but then I see the chapters and there's 40+ so I don't know. Anyway. HOLY FRICK GUYS 10.6+ READS Thank you so much!

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