Chapter 37

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"Riku is...amazing."

Sora laid back, feeling a bit uncomfortable since his legs were still bent due to the stairs but he didn't want Sophia to look at his face when he talked.

"He seemed cold at first, and I though I didn't like him at all, but," Sora continued, smiling at the thought of Riku's laugh, "he isn't bad at all. We were spending a week together, but I had to move. Honestly, I'm eager to graduate and leave. My dad wants me to work at his company, because it's a family business and stuff."

"But if you don't want to, then you shouldnt have, right?" Sophia asked, turning to him.

"I guess not, but I don't want to disappoint them," Sora answered her.

"You're stressed," it was a statement, not a question. "And I think it's because you don't like what you're doing."

"I don't," was Sora's blunt reponse. "My future was already decided from when I was born, probably. I've always heard about businesses, and it tired me out."

"What about having someone else?" Sophia asked, glancing at the door.

"Nah," Sora told her, sitting up. "I'm an only child, and I don't even know if I have cousins. My parents are really reserved about their family for some weird reason."

"I see. That's tough," Sophia muttered. "What do you want to do after high school? Still gonna study?"

"Yeah, I just don't know what I'll take," Sora told her with a sigh, "and that gives my parents, my dad especially, more reason to tell me what to do."

"I see..."

"Anyway, my friends." Sora tried to change the topic. "I'll tell you their names first. There's Wakka, the idiot Tidus, Kairi, and Selphie. I never said much to the others, but I still consider them friends. Their names are Axel and Roxas. Xion too, Roxas' sister, but I barely talked to her."

"Woah, so many," Sophia said with a grin. "I only have like two or three friends but they stopped talking to me."

Sora frowned, and leaned forward. "Well I can be your friend now. What about that friend you mentioned before we went to the nurse?"

Sophia shrugged. "He's still my friend, but we don't talk during school because he doesn't want them to mess with me. Now they have it out for me anyway."

"They better not," Sora said darkly, shivering at remembering Aiden's touch on his body. "I'll make him pay. I don't care if I'm expelled."

"You think we should go?" Sophia asked, glancing at the door.

The doors were closed, so they couldn't see anything beyond the staircase. Sora shrugged, and started playing with the hem of his shirt. Sophia stood up, fixing her skirt from nonexistent wrinkles and dusting the slight amount of dust on it. She gave Sora her hand, and helped him up. They walked down slowly, and as quietly as they possibly could.

When they made it outside, the announcement was almost over. They had been there for only a minute or so when their teacher turned to them.

"And where were you two when we got here?" She asked, crossing her arms.

Sophia glanced at Sora, and decided to tell the truth despite what the brunet had told her before. She couldn't stay quiet.


"That idiot tripped when coming up the stairs when he forgot something, so I helped him," Sora interrupted her, glaring at Sophia a bit. "Then I had to go the restroom since I really needed to go."

Their teacher let out a small hum, giving him a suspicious look. She then turned to Sophia, who jumped when her sharp gaze landed on her.

"And you?"

"R-restroom too, ma'am."

"Oh really?" She said, shaking her head. "And how is it that both of you have the same excuse?"

"I...lady...lady bussiness, if you know what I mean," Sophia said, her face burning when she saw Sora stifle his laugh. She was not good at making up excuses.

"I see. Okay, I'll let you off easy this time, but next time tell me before you leave," the teacher said, and both Sophia and Sora nodded.

"Where's Aiden and Daniel now?" she asked.

"Didn't see them when I left," Sora said without caring. "Probably skipping."

"I'll have a talk with them later."

With that, she turned away, leaving the two standing there awkwardly. The assembly ended, and everyone walked back inside. They didn't expect going back inside was Aiden on the floor, still in pain, and complaining to Daniel, who only crouched next to him.

Sora thought they would've left by now, but apperantly they didn't. They got yelled at by the teacher, but Sora just walked back to his seat. The day ended fast, faster than what Sora expected. He didn't pay much attention, still a bit out of it. The only thing keeping his mind off that was the talk he had with Sophia.

Walking back home, he tried to find a way to talk to his parents about his future and about what happened with his friends, if he could go visist them at least during the holidays. He looked up at his house, and sighed. His parents were there, he heard their voices.

"What do you mean you fired her?! She's the only person Sora listened to! What is wrong with you?! I never saw anything wrong with having her work with us!"

"That's exactly it! She was overprotective and got ideas into his head about doing whatever he wanted!"

"I think we should just let him do whatever he wants, not force him to be the next CEO."

"What? You want me to look for you weird sister's child instead? That boy will never be able to take over."

"I'm pretty damn sure one of your other nephews could, but you just want it to stay with Sora."

"That's because I trust that Sora will be able to do a good job."

Sora flinched. He had never heard his parents yell this loud.

"I haven't seen him since he was a baby, but I'm sure Ro-"

"Do not mention his name," his father growled. "You sister was the worse, driving my brother to almost do something irreversible."

"He has no fault! Anyway, bring Clara back. Now," his mother demanded.

"Bring...Clara back?" Sora whispered, and they turned to him, finally noticing his precense. "What did you do?"


His father walked to him, and placed a hand on his shoulder. Without warning, Sora slapped his hand away, backing up and glaring at them.

"Mom, I heard what you said, but deep down, you still want me to take over the company," Sora asked, tears forming in his now deep blue eyes, "don't you?"

"We don't only want you to, you will," his father said coldly, not bothered by what Sora did.

"I will not!" Sora cried. "You never think about me, only your stupid work! Clara was the only adult here worried about me, and you fired her!"

"It was-"

"Like mom said, bring her back!" Sora told him, standing straight and looking directly at his blue eyes. "Or you will lose me."

"Sora, calm down. We-"

"No. I don't care," Sora said, and clenched his hands. "I'm done. Once I graduate, I will leave. Screw your company, father. Good luck convincing me, mother."

With that, Sora stormed past them to his room. When he got there, he dropped his stuff and jumped onto his bed face first.

"Perfect life my ass," Sora muttered into his bed. "Why do they think I live a perfect life?"

"Riku, what would it take for me to be like you, worry free? You can make your own decisions, unlike me...that sounds great..."

A/N: Another update again. It was easy this time. 😂 I hope you enjoyed.

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