Chapter 47

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A/N: I should be doing homework

When Sora took off the blindfold, he did not expect the amount of ballons and the giant teddy bear. Of course, it was a bit too much, but Sora loved stuffed animals so he didn't mind. The ballons, he assumed were the ones they were having trouble with.

The bear was peeking out of a red pinkish bag with a ribbon and a card tied to around its neck like a bow. He was going to ask about it, but got distracted.

When the kids talked and asked, Riku asked something to Sora but the sounds of kids screaming and running near them overpowered his voice. Riku seemed to lose his courage, and instead only gave him the bear.

"There's a note inside, but don't open it until the last day," Riku instructed, a stern expression on his face.

"Fine," Sora huffed like a child, and crossed his arms.

"I mean it, Sora Akishima." Riku told him, smirking.

It made Sora flustered. There was kids, and quite a lot of judgmental people. The kids giggled, but then the boy jumped down and ran to a tree.

"Bye misters! I found my train! Mommy is going to be looking for us too so we're going to go!" the little boy gave them a big cute grin while waving his arm high.

The girl ran after him, waving at them too. They both ran towards a very pretty woman who only smiled and nodded then left.

Riku sighed, and sat down next to Sora. They stayed quiet while Sora looked through the bag. He gasped when he found a few books, chocolate, candy, more small plushies that looked handmade, and three sketchbooks. Three! And a variety of different pencils, color pencils, markers, and paints. He stared in awe, while Riku was on his phone.


"Hn?" Riku looked up, and smiled when he saw Sora taking out his gifts.

"I feel horrible."

That surprised Riku. He raised an eyebrow, a bit hurt, but didn't assume anything.

"W-why?" he stuttered, mentally hitting himself for that.

"Crap. No, wait!" Sora exclaimed, hugging the sketchbook tightly with wide eyes. "I love them! But I feel bad for not getting you more stuff."

Sora glanced at the bags, then sighed. Riku picked them up, and found watercolors, and a pad of watercolor paper. He found games, and not only games, but he favorite ones that he never got to play but always talked about, and decorated notebooks that had a note saying he could use it for songs and lyrics.

"What?" he mumbled, letting his hair hide his face.

Sora gripped his sketchbook, feeling really bad until Riku suddenly hugged him, dropping everything onto his lap.

"Stupid Sora," he mumbled into his shoulder, laughing. "Don't feel bad. I love them, it means a lot. Even if they're not a lot, it's still coming from you."

Riku looked up into Sora's now clear sky blue eyes, a small smile on his face. Sora blushed lightly, and rolled his eyes.



"You're an idiot. When did you get these?"

"Um. A long time ago, I saved up and bought them until I could see you again," Riku responded shyly, looking away.

"What if you didn't see me again?" Sora asked with a hurting tone, hating the thought of it.

"I know I would. Because I'm too handsome for you to stay away." Riku let out a small laugh that sounded like a small sigh, blowing his bangs.

With that, he pushed him back. Riku shrugged, and took Sora's chocolate. He opened it, and took out to eat.

"Hey, weren't those mine?" Sora asked, reaching for them.

"Sharing is caring, my dear Sora, and you like me, so why not share?" Riku smirked, purposely eating them while backing away from Sora's reach.

"Because food it the one thing I won't share!" Sora joked, stretching for them, but didn't reach them due to the stuff on his lap.

"If you can't reach, then you won't get them," Riku told him, still eating them slowly to mess with him.

"You're a jerk." Sora sat back, and took out the candy. "Guess I can eat these all by myself."

Sora glanced at Riku from the corner of his eye, and noticed how he started to put the chocolate he had just gotten down slowly.

"You know what, on second thought, I'm nice so I have to share," Riku mumbled, then shoved the box towards Sora. "Want some? Can I have candy?"

Sora laughed, and shook his head, brown soft hair over his eyes, which held a mischievous look. He ate one, and waited a bit until he swallowed it to talk.

"Let me think," Sora replied, pretending to think, "how"

"Revenge isn't good, Sora," Riku told him with a frown.

He put eveything down, and walked to stand in front of him. He crossed his arms, and leaned down. Too close. He pressed his forehead against Sora's, and stared into his eyes.

"Give me some?"

Sora was now a stuttering mess, but them closed his eyes tightly and pressed his lips against Riku's for a small kiss, which surprised him. Again, it was quick, for one, they were in the park surrounded by people, and second, Sora was still awkward.

Riku stepped back, and licked his lips.

"Sour, but still sweet."

Sora's eyes wided, and then laughed as he ate more.


"Can I get a proper kiss?" was Riku's bold question, scowling at only getting a small peck on the lips.

Sora chocked, and started coughing. Riku laughed, and reached for his forgotten water bottle inside one of Sora's bags. Sora gladly took it, gulping down the rest of the water.

"I hate you."

"Aw, I love you too," Riku teased, grinning.

"When did you become like this?" Sora laughed, and took a chocolate quickly and ate it. "Ha, I took one."

"You sly cute...idiot," Riku mumbled, and looked away.

Sora jumped up, finishing his sweet treat, and stood in front of Riku. He stood with one hand on his hip, and smirked.

"I think that maybe later, no?" Sora asked, not expecting an answer and sat down again.

Riku frowned, and leaned down again, putting his hands on the bench behind Sora. The brunette looked up, still biting onto a chocolate. Riku smirked, and leaned down and waited until he finished his food.

Once he did, Riku caught his lips in a deep kiss. A proper kiss this time. Riku's long silver hair covered them from anyone else's view. After a few seconds, they broke apart and Riku grinned.

"Well," Sora said, "guess that's not happening later."

Riku chuckled after licking his lips again, and sat down again, picking up his stuff. Sora looked down at the sketchbook, and opened it.

"Tasted sweet."

Sora ignored him, feeling his cheeks warm up a bit.

"Riku, can I draw you?"

Riku looked up to him, and nodded. He took out his phone to stay in one position to make it easier for Sora.


Sora nodded, and opened his new pencils carefully. The rest of the time at the park, Sora drew quietly with Riku stealing a few glances.

In Riku's eyes, Sora was the most beautiful person, and even more now that he was so concentrated in drawing. The sunlight made him look even more angelic, making Riku's heart beat faster and made him feel warm inside.

"I love you so much."

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